L11 Promotion of the use of a global stamp symbolizing alternative development, including preventive development, as a mechanism facilitating and stimulating the trade in products from areas affected by and vulnerable to the world drug problem Sponsors: Bolivia Ecuador Peru Thailand No budgetary implication: Co sponsors – Lebanon, Venezuela Nicaragua Nigeria Philip Denmark (EU) Uruguay …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L8
Promoting Strategies and measures addressing specific needs of women in the context of comprehensive and integrated drug demand reduction programmes and strategies Sponsored by: Albania Croatia Denmark (EU) Israel Philip Thailand Ukraine USA Ecuador (LA) Budgetary implications: $414,000 to organise technical consultations on two topics of resolutions. In $300,000 for advisory services to 15 states …
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions L3
Resolution L3 – Reintegration of persons released from prison who have renounced drug abuse Sponsors: Burkino Faso, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and US 38600 USD to collect info. Expert group be formed in meeting in Vienna. 5 regional trainings at country level. Grants to treatment institutions. 71,000 USD to prepare the report Adopted! Cosponsors …
Plenary Day 4. Supply Reduction
Thailand The Thai delegation state that unsustainable alternative development can serve as a way to combat the cultivation of illicit crops and that law enforcement alone cannot solve the problem. To achieve long-term success they state it is important to create infrastructure. Venezuela The Venezuelan delegation is of the view that despite the stepped up …
CND day 3 – Plenary, demand reduction and related measures: The Philippines
The Philippines highlightes the issue of gender in the drug offending; in particular the women and girls used as drug curiers. The Philippines refered to the 52nd CND resolution on women and girls involved in the drug trafficking and referred to the request to the office of INCB that was to carry out analysis and …
CND day 3 – Plenary, Availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes : Philippines
We find useful the INCB report on the possible solutions for using illicit drugs for licit purposes. For the past 40 years, we have provided manufacture of such substances for licit purposes, and in terms of implementation, we have strict control systems for dispensing controlled drugs. We are able to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate …