Session I – The world drug problem in perspective: The evolution of drugs control IPU Permanent Observer – Welcome to the annual parliamentary hearing at the UN that the IPU and the office of the PGA have organised. We welcome you all to NY. We will now turn to the President of the GA, a …
Briefing on the preparations for the Special Session on the World Drug Problem (UNGASS)
The briefing’s webcast is available at the UN Web TV site here. President of the General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft: President Lykketoft calls to order to brief preparations on his visit to Vienna. The primary consideration of this informal briefing will be to acknowledge the preparations being made on UNGASS 2016. Two areas of UNGASS preparation that …
CND Reconvened Session – 11 December 2015
Agenda Item 8 – WHO advice and scheduling CND Chair – WHO recommendations on scheduling will be acted upon at CND 2016. At November meeting of 37th expert committee on drug dependence (ECDD) in Geneva, it considered 9 substances including ketamine and cannabis. Draft document E/CN.7/2015/CRP.10 on this has been made available to Board. WHO …
Side event: Public health as a basis for drug policy in Portugal
Side event organised by Portugal Pedro Moitinho de Almeida Permanent Representative of Portugal. The Portuguese case no longer an experience, a success. Portugal is fully committed to the UNGASS. Drugs ranked at top of concern of Portuguese society in the last decade. It is now no longer the case because of the policies now implemented. …
UNGASS Special Segment – 9 December 2015
UNGASS Board Chair – I want to inform you that under item 3 of the special segment, the CND will consider jointly subitems A (roundtables) and B (outcome) and C (other matters). We proposed that 6 meetings be conducted at the UNGASS Special Segment in March 2015. CND Chair – We have a number of high level …
CND Intersessional – 12 November 2015
Ambassadors Antonio Castellanos (in substitution for Amb. Arthayudh Srisamoot) and Khaled Shamaa chaired the session, which continued discussions on the preparatory process towards the UNGASS 2016 and, in particular the Outcomes Document. In this regard, Amb. Castellanos recalled the dates for key upcoming CND meetings: CND Intersessional Meeting (8 December): 10am-1pm; 3-6pm. Special segment on the UNGASS …