Alt 6 bis. Further decides that the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, as the central policymaking body of the UN system, dealing with drug related matters shall lead this process, by addressing all organizational and substantive matters in open ended manner and in this regard invites the president of the General Assembly in this regard to …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.5 (discussions)
Raising awareness and strengthening international cooperation in combating drug trafficking, which in some cases, misuses activities related to opium poppy seeds for illicit purposes, also produced from illicit opium poppy crops Also calls upon MS to consider where appropriate further strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation and exchange of information with the INCB within its mandate …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.5 (revisted)
Russia: Wants some additional time to address this in informals. Need half an hour. Chair: Suspend the COW for half an hour.
Committee of the Whole – L-3 Mekong Delta Region Resolution Discussion on Death Penalty
Evening Session, CoW 3/20 Resolution L3 – Mekong Delta region. (4 bis the controversial para). PP1. Also add “in conformity with three international conventions.” PP1bis. Reaffirming also that countering the WDP is a common and shared responsibility that must be addressed in national regional and international settings that require and integrated and balanced approach in …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.5
Raising awareness and strengthening internationalcooperation in combating drug trafficking in opiates which misuses trade inopium poppy seeds Germany. 3 different resolution. Cannot take this and cannot examine without electronic copy. This is a very changed resolution from the beginning. We can’t get approval from capital. Title…should be as follows. Raising awareness and strengthening international cooperation …
Committee of the Whole E/CN.7/2014/L.9 (revisited)
PP? Russia: there is no notion of stigma, it’s not scientifically evidence based. Must delete stigma Chair: this has already been decided by COW Russia: No. We have nothing in legislation. UK: It was agreed by COW. This is common UNODC language. Previously Russia had agreed to the language Australia: there is a scientific base …