Yury Fedatov, UNODC Executive Director When we talk about alternative development we are talking about small farmers under intense pressure to engage in illicit crop cultivation. Alt dev is part of balanced strategy and sustainable development. Discussions on alt dev happening at CND and will happen at UNGASS. Yury always insists on seeing alt development …
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions discussed on Monday afternoon
Two resolutions (L2 and L3) were considered. Final language agreed for only some paragraphs. Others bracketed and the Chair directed Member states to go to informals to finalize. What follows is a transcript of the debate between member states. Final language will be posted as soon as it is available. Committee of the Whole Dronabinol …
Money Laundering Roundtable (part 1)
Chair: opens meeting and lays down the rules of the roundtable. Full title is “international cooperation: countering money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation”. Secretariat: Money laundering is a problem connected to the international trade in drugs. More countries criminalised money laundering in 2013 than in 2012. Many banks have started conducting better checks on accounts, and keeping …
Supply Reduction Roundtable Part 2
Algeria. Cannabis tons seized. Crime is becoming more transnational in nature. Measures taken by Algeria. Awareness building and legislation. Capacity building needed for developing countries. Indonesia. Sea, air and land protection needed from drug trafficking syndicates. Dismantling and detecting clandestine laboratories. Consistent drug law enforcement exercise in order to??? (Very hard to understand this, sorry) …
High Level Segment – Russian Representative
There is increasing disappointment in keeping track on new drugs. Disappointed by the trend of decriminalisation of the so called ‘soft drugs’. We cannot support that attitude, we need to rebuild trust in states. We need to strengthen the conventions. We need to look at the threats the drug addiction brings to human development. Law …
Reflections on conclusions of the informal civil society hearing and the scientific consultation
Michael Botticelli, USA National Drug Control Policy. We must root our policies into health. Criminal justice also has a role to play there. Approaches must be comprehensive, including primary prevention, universal and targeted prevention, support services. Hepatitis, HIV and overdoses must also be dealt with. Our efforts must be sustained over time. We make progress …