Chair: Welcome back to our session. Namibia: Congratulate chair and elected members of the Bureau. Commend the UNODC secretariat. Namibia aligns herslef with Africa group and G77 statements. Many countries were impacted by the third wave of the COVID. It’s a relief that the omicron wave hasn’t been that deletarious. However, we were impacted by travel …
Saudi Arabia
Plenary – Item 3. General debate
Nigeria: Nigeria has continued to adopt drug control policies and strategies to respond to emerging and evolving realities policy that is anchored on the National Drug Control Master Plan [DCMP]. First introduced in 1999 then revised to 2021 – 2025. This is an integrated and balanced policy, which combines law enforcement, and the promotion of public …
Plenary: Item 9. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
European Union: the EU and its member states are committed to the implementation of the three un drug conventions. The EU and its member states welcome the opportunity to reflect on drug control and human rights. Successful drug control intervention needs to be evidence-based approached in line with the drug control convention. The protection of human …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Tuesday 13th – Morning Session)
Mexico: We meet because of our interest to tackle the World Drug Problem. Aware of the progress made so far, Mexico would like to strengthen the work of the CND in ordinary meetings, subsidiaries and intersessional. For Mexico it is important to replicate the good practice of this process. The implementation of the UNGASS document is …
CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Monday, March 13, 2017 – Afternoon)
Austria: Austria fully aligns itself with statement of EU and would like to add the following remarks. Given the multi-faced nature of the world drug problem, health, security and human rights, the response needs to be equally holistic. We welcome that the UNGASS Outcome Document placed emphasis on balance, on human rights and harm reduction …
Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (2nd plenary meeting)
The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Chair: We will resume the agenda. India: This is an Historic special session. We are meeting after 2009 political declaration, just months after we adopted SDPs. The Drug problem impacts our ability to achieve this agenda. The three conventions have …