Chair: During this session we will proceed with L4, and L5 – I heard this is ready to be taken by the COW. We proceed with the draft resolution L4, tabled by Croatia and Australia – ‘promoting awareness-raising, education and training as part of a comprehensive approach to ensure access to the availability of internationally [US] …
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon
-L2- Chair: Checking the substantive issues with the resolutions. Tabled by the USA. Any problems with title? Russia: The title- would request should put in brackets, look at whole resolution then come back to ensure it responds to main body of the resolution. Chair: Thank you. Argentina: Change the word ‘Combat’ with ‘counter’. The Netherlands: Title …
Opening of the 63rd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
*** MORNING SESSION *** Chair: Welcome to CND63. I welcome Chief of UNODC Medical Service to talk about coronavirus. Dr: WHO has introduced guidelines on COVID19 outbreak. Measures to make and keep up safe. Latest numbers: quite a big number of people affected – mainly in China. Now more in other countries than China alone. Main …
Side Event: A framework for multilateralism – the pathways to and from the international drug control regime

Chair, Singapore: We’ve seen that unilateralism didn’t work and there was a turn to multilateralism. The Commission was then pushed by various activists that led to the signing of the Opium Convention, the first internationally binding agreement that was the basis for the current drug control conventions. Tomorrow is the 55th anniversary of our first …
Thematic sessions – Follow up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, 16 October
First round of thematic sessions on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments following up to the 2019 Ministerial Declaration Theme addressed: ‘…that both the range of drugs and drugs markets are expanding and diversifying…’. Background Note by the Secretariat Morning Session Chair: Welcome INCB [Introduction of the work of INCB] … no crimes should …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 23 September 2019
Supporting documents: WHO responses by 24 June 2019 WHO Q&A – By 27 June 2019 WHO Q&A – By 9 September 2019 MORNING SESSION Chair: On the request of the extended bureau all submitted questions are published on the website of the commission and a live webcast is also accessible here. Agenda item 1. We will not spend much time …