European Union: the EU and its member states are committed to the implementation of the three un drug conventions. The EU and its member states welcome the opportunity to reflect on drug control and human rights. Successful drug control intervention needs to be evidence-based approached in line with the drug control convention. The protection of human …
Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)
Malaysia: This week, we charge direction of our way forward and building on the last decade. We strongly believe that existing conventions and other relevant international instrument are the basis for world drug policy in term of challenges in the years to come. It is a sovereign right of every MS to take into account …
CND 61st Session Reconvened – Friday, 7 December 2018

Egypt: We request an edit to CRP12(?). Responding to the continued lack of diversity, we add the following footnote: building on the international civil service commission, we request the delegation to further clarify this proposal Russia: in several CND resolutions, we used the term diversity this hasn’t been clarified (diversity on annex 5 of this …
Plenary Session: Item 6. Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
Chair: Good morning please take your seats. We will now take up item 6 – Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem – Particularly B supply reduction and C countering money laundering Chief of organised crime and illicit trafficking branch with UNODC …
Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Tuesday 13th – Afternoon Session)
Malaysia: The number of drug users continues to rise and uses measures to protect its people. Malaysia stands firm against the legalisation of drugs. Our policy policy both incorporates demand and supply reduction. We are taking the necessary steps to reduce drug addiction as well as prevention and treatment. We take measures against all trafficking …
Plenary – Agenda Item 6: Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Thursday, March 16, 2017 – Afternoon)
Sudan: We align with G77 China and African group. Youth are the main group affected by drugs and we highly appreciate the recommendations of the UNGASS. While preventing diversion we have provided 10,000 prescription pads. We have also carried out training courses and workshops targeting health professionals for rehabilitation. Kenya: We reaffirm our commitment to …