[…] So the next item is the plans for a strategy. I think we’ll have to, obviously do it virtually. I don’t know if we want to try and decide on dates. I mean, I’m wondering if it might be good to get in that we’ll be getting back from holidays will be January, we …
CND Third Intersessional meeting: Thematic Session 1- 19th October 2020
Thematic session 1: Drug treatment and health services continue to fall short of meeting needs and deaths related to drug use have increased; and the rate of transmission of HIV, the hepatitis C virus and other blood-borne diseases associated with drug use, including injecting drug use in some countries, remains high; Chair (Standing in) Agenda …
CND second intersessional meeting- 8 October 2020
Chair: Welcome. In terms of good health and well being, at a time when all over the world we are facing serious challenge due to the COVID19 and its resulting restrictions, my best wishes from our team here. Before we proceed forward in today’s important meeting on the agenda, I would like to give the …
Plenary- Item 12. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its sixty-third session
Dominka Krois (Vice Chair): We had very successful meetings. The session was closed yesterday before 6pm. We managed to adopt all 5 resolutions. Member states showed constructive spirit. Many thanks to all delegates. Chair: Thank you for your work. I request any comments relating to editorial and translation matters to provide these in writing directly …
Plenary: Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Chair: …Co-operation also takes place among inter-governmental bodies. The Commission seeks to strengthen horizontal cooperation. More information on this matter is contained in the conference paper E/CN7/2020/CRP-5, providing an overview of inter-agency cooperation of efforts. The Commission also has a note by the Secretariat on promoting coordination and alignment of decisions by the INCB, and the programme on HIV/AIDs, …
Side Event: Next steps for data collection on drugs: Experiences from UN agencies
Organized by Mexico and Switzerland, and Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales, European Union, Global Drug Policy Observatory (Swansea University, United Kingdom), International Drug Policy Consortium, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, United Nations Development Programme and World Health Organization The revised version of the Annual Report Questionnaire is set to be proposed, …