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Resolution L13. Promotion of measures, including voluntary cooperation and timely and effective legislative, regulatory, and administrative responses to target new psychoactive substances, amphetamine-type stimulants and precursors

Australia: We have worked in informals and found compromise on some of the paragraphs. These include preambular paragraphs that acknowledge that ketamine is a WHO essential medicine, and recalls resolution 57/10 on ketamine trafficking. So open the floor for comments on these. China: Add “trafficking” and “assess the extent of this problem at the national, …

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Resolution L3. Promoting cooperation with the scientific community, including academia, in the development of effective drug control policies

E/CN.7/2016/L.3 Egypt: When we say “promoting informal networking within the scientific community” what are we aiming at? Russia: The aim is to promote the use of science in drug policy. Egypt: We can go along with that. PP1 Egypt: Change to “to drug demand reduction and supply reduction”. This is the language used in the 2009 Political …

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Side Event: Improving system-wide coherence by reprioritising metrics to evaluate illicit drug policy

Side event organised by ICSDP, GDPO, Transform, IDPC, Switzerland, Mexico and Brazil.  Dave Bewley-Taylor, University of Swansea Global Drug Policy Observatory. The Sustainable Development Goals that have been agreed by the United Nations further amplify the need for better drug policy metrics. Drugs can be seen as influential across all the Sustainable Development Goals – …

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