Chair: Good Morning Delegates. We will resume on item 5 (a) Secretariat: documents have been prepared under 5(a).. available now on commission’s website Chair: Proceed to WHO scheduling recommendations on substances under 1961 and 1971 Convention communicated after 63rd meeting of Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. We will now vote on isotonitazene to add to schedule I …
Side Event: Human Rights in Action: Implementing the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy
Organized by the Office of the High-Commissioner for Human Rights with the support of Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Malta, Mexico, Portugal, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and Uruguay, and the Council of Europe, the European Union, the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy, the United Nations Development Programme and the World Health Organization …
Side Event: Protecting civil society space at times of COVID-19: Lessons learned for advocacy

Organized by the Youth Organisations for Drug Action (YODA) with the support of Australia, Canada, Mexico and Switzerland, and the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, Frontline AIDS, and the International Drug Policy Consortium In March 2020, the World Health Organization characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic, prompting governments around the globe to declare a state of …
Side event: Prevention, Treatment and Care of HIV and Other Related Infections Among People Who Use Drugs in Prisons and Upon Release
Organized by Kyrgyzstan with the support of the Republic of Moldova, and Switzerland, and the UNODC HIV/AIDS Section Kyrgyz Republic (Ainura Esenamanova, Republican Center of Narcology, Ministry of Health – Moderator): Welcome UNODC (Fariba Soltani, HIV/AIDS section, Global Coordinator for HIV/AIDS): People in prison are highly vulnerable to the risk of infections, including HIV amongst …
Plenary – Agenda item 3: General Debate (continued).
Canada: As you know, the overdose crisis continues to impact Canadians with the loss of 19,355 individuals between 01/2016 – 09/2020, making this one of Canada’s most significant public health crises in recent history. The COVID 19 pandemic has worsened the overdose crisis and the harms of substance use, just having a tragic impact on …
CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Friday 4th December 2020
[…] Iran: The US itself is at the forefront of destabilizing the international community. We have seen that how they have destroyed the multilateralism; they have withdrawn from several multilateral initiatives, they have withdrawn from several international organizations. So again, this is all stripped back. So they all behind many, many destabilizing activities across the …