Vice Chair (chair of CoW): Draft agenda adopted. On the improved and streamlined ARQ will be circulated so that adoption can take place by COB. Beijing 2025 – the high-level event aims to raise awareness on gender equality. The official program of CND has been posted on the website. All pre-session documents will be issued …
CND Intersessional Meeting, 24 June 2019
To access WHO’s responses to the questions posed below by Member States, please click here. Agenda item 2: Proposed scheduling recommendations by WHO Chair: Good morning, we have a slight change in the agenda. We are starting with agenda item 2 which is regarding the proposed scheduling recommendations by WHO – no objections. Assistant Secretary General …
Item 11. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session
John Brandolino, UNODC: As highlighted in the ministerial declaration; the acceleration of the UNGASS document will be in the focus of the commission beyond 2019. The UNGASS provides a comprehensive set that addresses all aspects of the WDP. The negotiation of the draft document was adopted by consensus. Through resolution 60/1 the commission asked UNDOC …
Committee of the Whole Tuesday afternoon (L6. Promoting Alternative Development as a development-oriented drug control strategy)
(…) Belgium: We did not engage fully in the informal and would like more time to get back to the capital and think about this proposal Pakistan: We believe that it would be useful to bring in the reference to the ministerial declaration introduces last week as the last two lines were included in the …
Plenary: Item 10. Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
Chair: In the Ministerial Declaration, Member States committed to reporting on the 2009 document and 2016 document. Consideration of this item during this regular session enables us to consider this matter further, beyond last week’s debates. The Secretariat has made available reports on the situation of drug abuse and trafficking. Also before the Commission is …
Committee of the Whole – Monday afternoon (L6. Promoting Alternative Development as a development-oriented drug control strategy)
Title Chair: No comments PP1 Mexico: During consultations on this draft resolution, we had expressed our concern with the reference to the 2030 Agenda. We know for the US, it is important to have adequate language. We suggest “recalling” to be substituted with “as was reiterated”, to take into account the US proposal that there’s a …