Chair: Member states committed to report timely on their progress in implementing the recommendations set out in the Outcome Document. The Commission held two rounds of discussion in 2016 and decided to continue holding such discussions; a third thematic discussion was held in 2017. Ambassador Moitinho de Almeida of Portugal: As CND facilitator for the …
Plenary Session: Item 6. Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem
Chair: Good morning please take your seats. We will now take up item 6 – Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem – Particularly B supply reduction and C countering money laundering Chief of organised crime and illicit trafficking branch with UNODC …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday Afternoon). L9. Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development and related commitments on alternative development and regional, interregional and international cooperation on development-oriented, balanced drug control policy addressing socioeconomic issues
Thailand: Thailand, Peru and Germany have the honour of presenting this resolution. We have gone through all the paragraphs in informals, there are some amendments and hopefully we can get through this today. Chair: The title? Pakistan: At an early stage we suggested the title is complicated, so we should use …
Special Side Event: Exchange beyond borders: Trilateral cooperation on alternative development between Thailand, Colombia and Germany
Yuri Fedotov, UNODC: (…) In order to succeed, we need to fulfil some preconditions. We need a strong political commitment, sustainable funding, patience and security conducive to a long-term process. UNODC is proud to support the Peace Process in Colombia. Largest bilateral programme in our history. Last month, I had the opportunity, in Bogota, to …
Plenary: Opening of the sixty-first Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Chair Welcome to the 61st CND! All debates will be on the CND website. Thank you to all delegates who have contributed to past sessions. 1st Item – election of officers: The commission elected Kenya as the 1st Vice Chair. 2nd Vice Chair is Pakistan. The Rapporteur is the Netherlands. Mexico serves as Chair. Can we …
CND Intersessional, 18 October 2017: Chapter 7 on alternative development, development-oriented drug policy

Amb. Pedro Moitinho, Post-UNGASS Facilitator: Welcomes panellists. Jorge Ríos, Chief, Sustainable Livelihoods Unit, UNODC: I will discuss our efforts implementing the Action Plan and the UNGASS. When reading both, it is clear that MS drafted them both understanding the Conventions are their cornerstone. Recap of alternative development history. Originally seen by the international community as …