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Agenda Item 3: Policy directives to the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and strengthening the drug programme and the role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as its governing body, including administrative, budgetary and strategic management questions

(a) Work of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and policy directives; (b) Role of the Commission as the governing body of the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the scope of control of substances (i) Strengthening the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs …

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Agenda Item 6: Implementation of the international drug control treaties

a) Challenges and future work of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the World Health Organization in the review of substances for possible scheduling recommendations WHO: Who is responsible for evaluating substances and whether they should be scheduled. They also decided which convention they are scheduled. Evidence is essential to our role. The adverse affects of the …

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Agenda Item 5. Implementation of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem UNGASS 2016

Documents: E/CN.7/2016/2-E/CN.15/2016/2 E/CN.7/2016/4 E/CN.7/2016/5 E/CN.7/2016/6 E/CN.7/2016/7 E/CN.7/2016/8 E/CN.7/2016/11 E/CN.7/2016/13 E/CN.7/2016/14 E/CN.7/2016/CRP.3 (a) Demand reduction and related measures; Aldo Lale-Demoz, UNODC: Let me testify to members states the achievements that are available to us. Let me show how I have made notable achievements. The rationale for including health care and treatments are provable. We must move …

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