In Thailand, opiate based medicines are provided at low to cost to cancer patients. Another urgent issue is the lack of training of health professionals and we have increased the levels of training to our staffs. We need to implement furthering monitoring systems as well.
Committee of the Whole – Proposal to organise a conference on alternative development
Peruvian delegation presents resolution with Thailand to have a conference this year on alternative development.This issue is important for emerging countries and would be a south-south cooperation. Colombia: Express interest in the proposal for the conference
Committee of the Whole – afternoon session
As detailed in yesterday’s CNDblog, there was considerable debate in the Committee of the Whole yesterday on a resolution proposed by the EU, Norway, Switzerland, Uruguay and Thailand entitled ‘Achieving universal access to treatment, care and support for people with HIV, including injecting drug users, by 2010’ As detailed in yesterday’s posting, the debate centred …
CND Day 4 – Thailand’s plenary statement on drug demand reduction:
Thailand is engaged in ongoing prevention activities targeting various populations including youth in schools, workers in various sectors and so on. Both government and civil society sectors are engaged in these activities. The use of ATS is on the rise in Asia. With increasing use of ATS, the Thai government is aware of the urgency …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on Universal Access
The Committee debated the language of a draft resolution proposed by the EU, Norway and Thailand entitled ‘Achieving universal access to treatment, care and support for people with HIV, including injecting drug users, by 2010‘. There was significant debate on preambular paragraph 3, which as drafted stated: ‘Concerned that the coverage of HIV prevention services …
CND Day 2 – Plenary statement by Thailand on regional and interregional cooperation
Participated in regional and inter-regional forums where countries can exchange information and discuss trends in trafficking and abuse. It makes sense to enhance inter-regional cooperation. Thailand is a member of a number of cooperative regional mechanisms. Thailand’s experience has only highlighted the need for interregional cooperation. The problem of West African syndicates using Asian women …