Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO: Emphasize that access to essential medicines is a fundamental pillar. Not nearly enough focus has been paid to access to essential medicines. One of the most important medicines, morphine, is emblematic of the fight to ensure access of medicines. Considered the gold standard for pain relief, yet more than 5 billion people …
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
CND Day 1 – Agenda Item 6 (d): International cooperation to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes while preventing their diversion
INCB President – 75% of the world’s population live without access to proper pain relief medication. In 1961, the international community committed to make adequate provisions to ensure access to pain medication while tackling diversion for illicit use. Addressing discrepancies in availability of controlled medicines is the responsibilities of governments due to their obligations under …
Multi-faceted approach to addressing the challenges of increasing access to controlled drugs for medical purposes
Side event organised by Australia, WHO, INCB, UNODC and the Union for International Cancer Control. Gilberto Gerra UNODC Chaired. Double failure of drug system. Limit opioids worldwide. People continue to die with pain. Dr. Naidoo INCB President Apart from being President of the INCB and a Doctor I am also an African. Started slide with Hippocratic Oath. …
Side event – Coordinated efforts to increase access to controlled drugs for medical purposes
Mr. David Lewis, Australian Permanent Mission. Appreciates efforts of Dr. Gerra. Panama’s efforts in WHO EB resolution. Drawing upon CND resolution on which Australia has led for relief of pain and suffering. High priority on access to medical opioids for pain relief and palliative care. Moral obligation to work for better access. Guaranteeing access was …
Plenary Day 3: NGO: union for international cancer control
6.2million die of cancer, 1.1 million people die of HIV. Opioid treatment is the most effective and needed pain treatment. Morphine is cheap, safe and effective however poor care integration and cultural issues means its provision is severely lacking. Promoting the adequate availability of these substances is enshrined in the conventions and various UN agency …