Organized by the United Kingdom with the support of Canada, Estonia, and the United States of America, and the UNODC Laboratory and Scientific Section. The purpose of this side event is to discuss the experiences of member states and strategies that they have taken to tackle fentanyl and synthetic opioid markets with a view to …
United Kingdom
Plenary – Agenda item 3: General Debate (continued).
Canada: As you know, the overdose crisis continues to impact Canadians with the loss of 19,355 individuals between 01/2016 – 09/2020, making this one of Canada’s most significant public health crises in recent history. The COVID 19 pandemic has worsened the overdose crisis and the harms of substance use, just having a tragic impact on …
CND second intersessional meeting- 8 October 2020
Chair: Welcome. In terms of good health and well being, at a time when all over the world we are facing serious challenge due to the COVID19 and its resulting restrictions, my best wishes from our team here. Before we proceed forward in today’s important meeting on the agenda, I would like to give the …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday afternoon) L3- Promoting and improving the collection and analysis of reliable and comparable data to strengthen balanced, integrated, comprehensive, multidisciplinary and scientific evidence-based responses to the world drug problem
-L3- Chair: Some questions have been cleared through the informals. PP6bis Chair: Agreed in CoW PP10 Chair: Agreed in CoW PP12 Netherlands: Discussion on the UN system. MS had discussion on compromise you can see below. We can agree on it here. Chair: Invite comments. We have 3 different proposals. We can accept part of …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday afternoon) – L5 Promoting the involvement of youth in drug prevention efforts
OP1 Chair: We will commence with this, agreed in informals. Australia: We should include ‘scientific “and” evidence-based’. Chair: I imagine we can accept this? Indeed that’s the case, that’s agreed by the CoW. OP2 Chair: Also agreed in informals. Any comments? Then I take it’s acceptable for the Member States. And thus agreed in …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday morning) – L5 Promoting the involvement of youth in drug prevention efforts
Chair: The last paragraph we had discussed was PP starting Noting that in the 2016… It was bracketed. I wonder if there was any informal meeting on this Russia: (…) We could go through the entire resolution quite quickly and have informals on the problematic ones. With regard to this one, in our view, the …