Organised by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime HIV/AIDS Section and the Strategic Advisory Group to the United Nations on HIV and Drug Use. Anne Skjelmerud, Norway (Chair) Norway is in between ambassadors at the moment, so I have been asked to Chair here today. I work for the Norwegian development agency, NORAD, …
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Plenary: Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Wednesday 14th Morning Session)
(a) Changes in the scope of control of substances Secretary: For Item 5a on changing in the scope of control of substances proposed scheduling recommendations initiated by the WHO. It reflects comments from governments on factors related to recommendation initiated by the WHO. The Commision will examine recommendation on 12 substances as applicable to the …
Informal NGO Dialogue with the UNODC Executive Director
Opening remarks from UNODC ED: It is good to see so many people here, and it means that what we are doing is important. The CND is an important forum. I appreciate Esbjorn’s leadership of VNGOC, and for facilitating this meeting. I also appreciate the Civil Society Task Force that worked for 2016 and must now …
Side event: Regional commitments for a successful implementation of UNGASS 2016
Isaac Morales. We are happy to welcome you here today on commitments for the implementation of the 2016 UNGASS. It is our pleasure to welcome our panel. There are two key concepts: synergies between regional commitments and national and international tools and organisations; instrumentalisation of what has been agreed internationally through national policies. Adam Namm, CICAD …
Side event: World Drug Report: Latest trends and addressing users’ needs
Organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Research and Trend Analysis Branch. Pakistan Office. The event will review the current issues on drug demand and drug supply that characterize the world drug problem and the way in which they are currently addressed in the World Drug Report. It will provide an opportunity …
Special Side Event: Exchange beyond borders: Trilateral cooperation on alternative development between Thailand, Colombia and Germany
Yuri Fedotov, UNODC: (…) In order to succeed, we need to fulfil some preconditions. We need a strong political commitment, sustainable funding, patience and security conducive to a long-term process. UNODC is proud to support the Peace Process in Colombia. Largest bilateral programme in our history. Last month, I had the opportunity, in Bogota, to …