Dr. Gilberto Gerra, Chief, Drug Prevention and Health Branch of UNODC. Five minute summary. General conclusions of scientific advisory session yesterday. Will not report content of the recommendations of SC yesterday but will report method we are using. Innovative thing in my opinion. Recommendation will be reported in plenary by two scientists. On prevention and HIV. …
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
3rd Informal Civil Society Hearing, Opening Session
Michel Perron, Chair of Vienna NGO Committee. We have convened this meeting to discuss how best to address drug abuse together through a health based approach, as part of the framework of the international drug control conventions. We need to discuss scope of practice and what the current framework allows. Look at what should we …
Closing remarks of Yury Fedotov
We have now come to the closing of the session of the CND. This has been hard work. You have shown your commitment to discussions at CND. The resolution 13 is a milestone for the high level review of 2014 and in the lead up of 2016. The resolution on new psychoactive substances has called …
Side Event: Access to internationally controlled drugs for medical purposes – meeting a global challenge
Opening David Stuart – Permanent representative Australia: Access to these medicines globally is very unequal Single convention on narcotic drugs (1961) establishes framework to : 1. Ensure the availability of drugs for medical and scientific purposes. 2. Prevent diversion and abuse. High Income Countries account for 93% of all medical morphine yet 70% of deaths …
NGO Dialogue with UNODC Executive Director, Yuri Fedotov
Introduction Mr. Fedotov thanks Michel Perron and the VNGOC for their work in organising this event. Mr. Fedotov admires the work done by NGOs in many countries to help UNODC implement their mandate. He thanks all NGOs for their support now and for the future. NGOs are welcome to come to UNODC. World Federation Against …
Supply reduction round table
Chief of sustainable livelihood- UNODC The concept of ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT was recognised in the 1988 convention of the UN article 3. This was reaffirmed 10 yrs later in 1998 during the UN special assembly . And the 2009 political declaration plan of action went further building on the 1988 and 1998 agenda. In 2009 member …