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CND Intersessional Meeting, 24 June 2019

To access WHO’s responses to the questions posed below by Member States, please click here. Agenda item 2: Proposed scheduling recommendations by WHO Chair: Good morning, we have a slight change in the agenda. We are starting with agenda item 2 which is regarding the proposed scheduling recommendations by WHO – no objections. Assistant Secretary General …

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Committee of the Whole (Friday morning). L3: Supporting the International Narcotics Control Board in fulfilling its treaty-mandated role

Chair: Now we consider draft 1 of this resolution. Russia: We tried to bring  our text closer to consensus and organised more informal debates, so I suggest to move quicker through our resolution we start with operative paragraph two, all the other which have been agreed in the Informal’s, the  to the final paragraph and close …

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Committee of the Whole, L8. Enhancing the capacity of Member States to ensure the availability of controlled substances

OP 1 Russia: Providing assistance to states for assessing needs and necessary information to control substances for legitimate purposes, in relation to the title, we have no specific proposal we are ready to accept the title as it is on the screen. Nonetheless we would like to examine the text.  Spain: there are three separate …

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Special event: Drug policies in the Americas

Amb. Adam Namm, CICAD/OAS: (…) Roberto Moro, SEDRONAR: We welcome the report Secretary Namm just mentioned. We’re building policies based on evidence allowing us to make policy decisions adapted to our countries. Working beyond UNGASS, these guidelines should continue help us develop and build strategies. It’s a complex work if we take into account all recommendations, …

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