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Plenary – Agenda Item 6: Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Thursday, March 16, 2017 – Afternoon)

Sudan: We align with G77 China and African group. Youth are the main group affected by drugs and we highly appreciate the recommendations of the UNGASS. While preventing diversion we have provided 10,000 prescription pads. We have also carried out training courses and workshops targeting health professionals for rehabilitation. Kenya: We reaffirm our commitment to …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.13: Enhancing law enforcement capacity to counter illicit drug trafficking through training

E/CN.7/2017/L.13 Enhancing law enforcement capacity to counter illicit drug trafficking through training Russia: Held three informals. Thank for flexibility. Every paragraph is agreed on the text. Hope we can proceed smoothly in the CoW. Chair. Title? No comments. The title is agreed in the CoW. Let’s move to preambular. PP1? No comments from the floor. Agreed …

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CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Monday, March 13, 2017 – Afternoon)

Austria: Austria fully aligns itself with statement of EU and would like to add the following remarks. Given the multi-faced nature of the world drug problem, health, security and human rights, the response needs to be equally holistic. We welcome that the UNGASS Outcome Document placed emphasis on balance, on human rights and harm reduction …

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Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.2: Strengthening international cooperation to assist the most affected transit States, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility

E/CN.7/2017/L.2 Strengthening international cooperation to assist the most affected transit States, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility Pakistan: This is about enhancing cooperations and building capacity in states that need it most especially transit states. Chair: We will go through paragraph by paragraph. Can we approve the title? India: We …

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CND Intersessional Meeting – 27 October 2016: Strengthening international cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility

Post-UNGASS facilitator: We will now start discussion chapter 6, on common and shared responsibility. There are several panellists from UNODC, it makes perfect sense to have the different regional sections from UNODC present all one after the other, and then member states and then NGOS. Yuri Fedotov, executive director of UNODC: very happy to be back at the …

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