Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as health-related issues; an ensuring the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, while preventing their diversion. (‘Drugs and health’) Chair: in order to encourage an interactive discussion, this will be conducted without a list of speakers. All participants at round tables …
CND day 4 – Plenary: Zambia
Zambia is committed to deal with the illicit drugs, money loundering and demand reduction, the commission has regional offices in regions and districts. Zambia is controlling cut of variety of drugs (Cocaine mostly) that origins in African region (northern part of the country bordering with Tanzania); Large number of cocaine addiciton observed in Zambia – …
CND Day 4 – Zambia’s plenary statement on drug demand reduction
Cocaine and heroin are reported to come into the country from Latin America. Ephedrine comes in from the Middle East. Zambia has instituted a number of security measures at airports in response. Besides interdiction, Zambia has been working to reduce drug demand as well. Trying to develop a treatment centre. The land has been secured …