This session is an opportunity to share problems and solutions concerning the drug problem. Australia here is focused on access to medicinal drugs, along with other issues. The country’s approach is evidence-based and balanced. We recognise the law enforcement aspects of drug policies, but we oppose the use of the death penalty for drug offences …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Ghana
Drug abuse and illicit trafficking remain a major threat to the development of every country. Education programs in schools have intensified in Ghana to tackle drug use. Traffickers are forming transnational networks and this is an expanding frontier that needs to be tackled. It needs state of the art equipment to tackle this problem. Parts …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by William Brownfield, US
The 2016 UNGASS is the first meeting at this level since 1998 on drug policy. It’s an opportunity to identify shortcomings and seek a way to move forward. We hope all regions and institutions will join. The INCB and UNODC provide unique expertise. Constructive criticism is helpful, but not cynicism in this debate. In the …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by Russia
During our forthcoming discussion we will need to reconcile differences so as to agree approach to move toward a drug free world. Our starting point will be 3 conventions. We sometimes hear it said that the conventions are obsolete, but we do not agree with this. the conventions are binding and must be adhered to. …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Bolivia
Bolivia has nationalised efforts to combat drugs when in 2008 we expelled the ambassador of the US and the DEA. Far from having complied with their duties, they were trying to destabilise Bolivia. Bolivia now has a model which is a Bolivian model. It doesn’t claim to be the basis for other sovereign and dignified …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by New Zealand
This is my 5th visit to participate at CND, highlighting New Zealand’s interest. Innovation is of particular relevance for the 2016 UNGASS. Next year’s session comes at an important time, with an increasing level of NPS. New Zealand has not been immune to this trend. Dedicated legislation in New Zealand has been adopted – the …