CND Chair: I propose that we tackle the more logistical agenda items 2 and 3 first, before moving onto the thematic discussions (agenda item 1). Agenda item 2 – plans for the reconvened 59th CND (December) and the 60th CND (March). New nominees have been put forward for 2nd Vice-Chair (Brazil) and 3rd Vice-Chair (Nigeria). …
CND Intersessionals
CND Intersessional Meeting – 8 September 2016
Chair. Does the meeting wish to adopt the agenda as it stands? I see no comments so the agenda is adopted. Contributions to the work of the Economic and Social Council Chair. I briefed the ECOSOC on the outcome of the 59th session of the CND during the commission’s meeting in NY in July. The …
Side Event: Resolving the Global Crisis of Untreated Pain by Improving Access to Controlled Medicines within the Framework of the SDGs
Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO: Emphasize that access to essential medicines is a fundamental pillar. Not nearly enough focus has been paid to access to essential medicines. One of the most important medicines, morphine, is emblematic of the fight to ensure access of medicines. Considered the gold standard for pain relief, yet more than 5 billion people …
CND Intersessional – 24 February 2016
Chairs of CND and UNGASS Preparations open with information on logistics and procedures for the CND. Speaking time at the opening session will be limited. 10 draft resolutions have been received, as well as some additional scheduling recommendations. For the UNGASS, negotiations on the outcome document are ongoing and being held in “informal informals” between …
CND Intersessional – 27 January 2016
1. Preparations for the regular segment of the 59th session of the Commission (b) Normative segment: Scheduling of substances based on the international drug control conventions Dr Martin Raithelhuber (expert on synthetic substances) – On the subject of synthetic substances, it important to note that customs are usually the first ones to discover smuggled goods. …
Side event: UNGASS 2016 on the world drug problem: Focus on people, public health and human rights
Side event organised by Colombia, Switzerland and Norway Ambassador Shamaa, UNGASS Board Chair – The Joint Ministerial Statement adopted in 2014 highlighted that the drug problem continued to pause a serious threat to health and well being of communities. In a special event in September we discussed the lack of availability of controlled substances for medical …