(a) Changes in the scope of control of substances Chair: We resume considerations of Item 5, especially item 5.a. CND is called to perform its treaty mandated function related to scheduling. CND Secretariat: Pre-session documentation is available online. Including scheduling recommendations by the WHO-ECDD. Chair: First, we’ll consider scheduling recommendations on substances under 1961, then …
CND Sessions
Side event: On the access to Tramadol and preventing its diversification to illicit markets in the Africa Region
Organized by the Tanzania Green Crescent Community with the support of the African Union Commission, Green Crescent Health Development Initiative, the Institute of Leadership and Development and the Rwanda Youth Impact Prof. Johan Strijdom, African Union: Thank you, moderator, for this opportunity to shed some light and to focus attention on the AU Plan of …
Side event: Addressing drug-related problems among people experiencing homelessness: Key elements for human right approaches
Pablo Cymerman, Intercambios A.C.: We feel sometimes the topics that the CND addresses are a bit removed from what we experience on a daily basis. This event responds to this by focusing on pathways to address the vulnerabilities of people who are homeless, and what the Argentinean government is doing in this regard. Jorgelina Di …
Side event: Challenging the criminalization of poverty and marginalization in Africa – and beyond
Organised by the Penal Reform International with the support of Ghana, the African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum and the International Drug Policy Consortium [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrDVtp0xK2A&w=560&h=315] Doreen N Kyazze, Penal Reform International. Our panellists will present initiatives on decriminalisation of drug use and petty offences in Africa. While this initiative is Africa led, we will be looking …
The Inequalities that Drive the HIV/AIDS Epidemic Among People Who Use Drugs and People in Prisons
Moderator: Monica Ciupagea Expert, Drug use and HIV, UNODC: Welcome to all, thank you for joining us for this side event. Fariba Soltani, Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC will be opening, thank you Fariba. Speaker: Fariba Soltani Chief of HIV/AIDS Section, Global HIV Coordinator, UNODC: Thank you very much to all who …
Plenary Item 3. General debate
Vietnam: We’re concerned by the threat of the drugs problem globally during the impact of COVID pandemic. NPS pose new challenges for control. Threatening security, health and happiness; especially young people. Comprehensive measures are needed at all levels. Based on experiences, scientific foundations and international cooperation. Vietnam welcomes the participation of all stakeholders dealing with …