Event co-sponsored by: Forum Droghe, Associazione Luca Coscioni, ICEERS, IDPC, reLeaf Malta, TNI, Transform, WOLA [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6kGiTD_QQw&w=560&h=315] The event recording is also available here. Susanna Ronconi, Forum Droghe. We know that the reform of cannabis is going on in Europe with different outcomes. Malta has already decriminalised personal use and possession. Luxembourg, Germany, Italy and others …
CND Sessions
Committee of the Whole (Afternoon session) Resolution L.7: Intensifying efforts to address the proliferation of uncontrolled and designer precursors used in the illicit manufacture of drugs
CHAIR: Iran, you have the floor. IRAN: I would like to congratulate you for your election to chair this important committee im confident that under your leadership we will have a great result. We previously explained that there is no room for our delegation to remove impediments, and so, under the two pragraphs, we can work on PP4, …
L.4. Strengthening international cooperation to comprehensively address the links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms trafficking
Chair: We give the floor to Mexico. Mexico: We see there has been lots of work and agreement. We will provide a summary of where we began/where we are. We made this resolution aware of the problem affecting all countries, recognizing though the lack of depth we all need to address the problem. Hence we sought the …
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L.3. Strengthening international cooperation in combating the misuse of information and communications technologies for drug trafficking and drug-related money-laundering
Chair: I hand over to Russia to present the text: Russia: Russia introduces this draft resolution during consultation on 11th of March, we hope this adoption will help contribute to the addressing the world drug program. (sic). A number of delegations, including China, Singapore, and Turkey, introduced into the heading the word “illicit”, and “precursors”, …
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L2. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, including measures to protect the environment
Chair. This is co-sponsored by Germany, Peru and Thailand. There is a revised text based on the informal consultations. We will start with the title and then focus on the preambular and operative paragraphs. I now open the floor to the delegation of Thailand to provide the introduction. Title Thailand. The title has been proposed …
Side Event: Police and Drug Treatment Together: The Global Emergence of Deflection as a Humanitarian Crime Reduction Approach to Drugs
Organized by the Chicago T.A.S.C. Inc. with the support of the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, the Knowmad Institut gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt), the Police, Treatment, and Community Collaborative and the Villa Maraini Foundation This CND Side Event will present a newly emerging global field of practice called “deflection”, which sits at the nexus of …