Organized by the UNODC Civil Society Unit with the support of Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs Moderator: Jamie Bridge, Vienna NGO Commitee on Drugs Jean-Luc Lemahieu, Director, Division for Treaty Affairs, UNODC [Welcoming remarks]: The event will showcase activities of NGOs upholding services in difficult times. We hope pandemic will be behind us soon, but …
Side Events
Side event A new chapter in law enforcement influencing drug policy
Side event organized by LEAP Suzanne Sharkey – LEAP UK My name is Suzanne Sharkey. I am Co executive director of UK Leap, also Europe. Welcome everybody, and if you’d like, throughout the panel discussion, if you have any questions that you’d like put to the panel, please use the question answer box, which should …
Side event: Adult drug use and regulation: the future of drug policies?
Julián Quintero (ATS): Muchas gracias a todos y todas por estar aquí esta mañana… 6:12 de la mañana en Colombia, creo que las 7:00 en Nueva York, la 1:00 en Viena. Bienvenidos y bienvenidas a este evento alterno que lleva por nombre “Uso y regulación en adultos: el futuro de las políticas de drogas”, realizado por …
Side event: Access to Controlled Medicines During COVID-19: meeting the needs of patients around the world
Organized by Belgium with the support of Australia, Canada, El Salvador, France, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, and the UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, the International Association of Hospice and Palliative Care, the International Narcotics Control Board, the Union for Cancer Control, the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and the …
Side Event: Emergence of methamphetamine production in South-West Asia
Organized by the UNODC Country Office Afghanistan Focus of the side event is to look at production of methamphetamine in Afghanistan. Moderator: Anubha Sood Afghanistan, Ambassador Manizha Bakhtari I will provide an overview of the current drug situation in Afghanistan and synthetic market in Afghanistan and the region. There are positive results of seizures and …
Side Event: Addressing the harms of criminalisation and policing with criminal justice and drug policy reform

Organized by the Norwegian Association for Humane Drug Policies with the support of Norway, and the Drug Policy Alliance, the International Drug Policy Consortium, NoBox Philippines, Release, and StreetLawPH. Thursday, 15th April 2021, 10:00 – 10:50 (CET – Vienna) Co-sponsored by Norway, the Norwegian Association for Humane Drug Policies, Drug Policy Alliance, IDPC, NoBox Philippines, …