Watch the video recording here. Organized by Dejusticia with the support of the Drug Policy Alliance, Elementa DDHH and the International Centre on Human Rights and Drug Policy Adriania Muro-Polo, Elementa, DDHH: Well, we´re going to start. Good morning everyone, thank you for joining us today so early to this Side Event. My name is …
Side Events
Side-Event: Young Sex Workers Who Use Drugs: Addressing the Stigma and Need for Change
Ruby: Youth RISE works with young people who use drugs around the world who are working in drug policy reform and ham reduction. We use the principle of Full Spectrum Harm Reduction and work to reduce stigma and discrimination. Created a research paper last year with a group of 7 people working in the field …
Side event: The United Nations Joint Programme for Human Rights in the Philippines
Organized by the UNODC Philippines Country Office Lee Yarcia, Legal Expert, UNODC Philippines: Thank you all for joining us today. My name is Lee Yarcia and I’ll be your moderator. On October 7th 2020, the Human Rights Council adopted Resolution No. 45/33, providing for technical cooperation and capacity building for the promotion and protection …
Side Event. Social equity up front: A progress report on cannabis regulation from New York state officials
Organised by the Open Society Institute
Side Event. Fractures: Rule of law challenges in the global drug war
Organised by the DRCNet Foundation Inc. with the support of the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Associazione Luca Coscioni and the Forum Droghe David Borden (moderator) Founder and director of stop the drug war foundation .org: Thank you for joining in person or online at the 66 sessions of the CND. That’s for the …
Side event: The ineffectiveness of disproportionate sentencing: Towards sensible and people-centred policies
Organised by the Instituto RIA AC with the support of Colombia, Elementa DDHH, DeJusticia, Acción Técnica Social, the Drug Policy Alliance, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Law Enforcement Action Partnership Luiz Felipe Cruz, Lyn Ulbricht,Tehshia Naidoo, Neil Woods, Camilo Eduardo Umana Tuesday 14th March 13:00-13:50 Luiz Felipe (DeJusticia): There has been the implementation …