Home » Japan inserts language to try and undermine UNODC harm reduction activities

Japan inserts language to try and undermine UNODC harm reduction activities

In the afternoon business, the plenary adopted various reports.

The report on Drug Demand Reduction includes a paragraph on harm reduction, reflecting the diverse views of member states on these interventions. In the plenary, Japan introduced language noting that some harm reduction programmes maintain illicit drug use, and that UNODC should take this into account.

It should be noted that UNODC is the lead agency within the UNAIDS family on HIV and injecting drug use, and CND is the governing board of UNODC.

The contradiction and possible implications of having UNODC’s governing board not support harm reduction in the Political Declaration was a concern raised by a number of civil society representatives this week.

One comment

  1. I am hereby inviting from all the intending citizens of India to join the newly form network. Just to highlight in short for forming this network is so simple that it will create an atmosphere of togetherness and a lively platform where every members will have full right to express their opinions and express every desire and acting as accordingly from time to time. The name of the network is Indian Network for Injecting and Illicit Drug Users League (INIIDUL).This steps is taken up mainly to have a right platform for every individual who are and were in the drug using habit to protect our own lives and to fight for the rights wherever and whenever we are discriminated or betrayed in any form of manner if it is beyond the rules of the abiding law of our land.And so since it is just at its inception stage anybody is invited for any sort of comments in respect of healthy suggesstions instead of discouraging the movements and steps taken up. We do respect and honour all those existing network and also showing our immense gratitude for further working together for a friutful and prosperous soiety where every drug dependence individual can live a life of reality rather than the world of hypocrisy. Lastly all commendable statements and suggesstions are most welcome to the same URL or
    to vision_boy30@yahoo.co.in or

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