US has made progress. There has been a 25% reduction in youth drug use since 2001 according to annual school drug survey. Increases have been recorded in 18-26 year old age group.
Addiction is a disease and ‘must be addressed as a public health issue’. NIDA conducts 85% of world’s research on drug use. NIDA working on immumization trials for cocaine and Methamphetaime.
US will be adopting needle exchange which will make a contribution to addressing HIV.
The US is proud to be a leader in working towards universal access.
The federal counter-narcotics budget is 13 billion dollars.
Screening and brief intervention system used to detect early drug use. The government provides matching funds to local anti-drug groups, totalling 800 grants in 769 communities.
The government supports drug courts.
It supports school-based prevention programmes and broad media campaigns
Increasing evidence of prescription drug misuse.