Home » CND Day 3- UK on mainstreaming human rights into the UN drug control system

CND Day 3- UK on mainstreaming human rights into the UN drug control system

The United Kingdom takes very seriously its human rights commitments and welcomes this detailed and insightful paper from the UNODC.

Moving from human rights commitments to human rights in practice, particularly in the context of drug control, is complex, and requires detailed study.

UNODC has looked inward at its own work and how it can contribute to the progressive realisation of human rights. This is an important first step in beginning to integrate human rights into drug control in line with the commitments made at the World Summit to mainstream human rights throughout UN activities.

It is a difficult challenge, but one we all must meet. Human rights do not stop at the door of the CND. In recent years we have begun to discuss the human rights aspects of drug control here in Vienna and the UK looks forward to continuing that dialogue at future sessions.

The UK is concerned at the resource issues highlighted. UK values funding contributed to his area and would lie to see report transmitted to delegations so the problem can be discussed back home.

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