Home » CND day 4 – Plenary statement of Spain on behalf of the EU on drug demand reduction

CND day 4 – Plenary statement of Spain on behalf of the EU on drug demand reduction

The EU remains firmly attached to the reduction of social and health damaged caused by the use of drugs. We aim to improve the quality and quantity of demand, and protect vulnerable groups, including high-risk groups, and the prevention of poly-drug use.

The EU reaffirms the commitment to the principle of shared responsibility, where demand reduction plays a crucial role: they should be humane, evidence-based and in line with human rights conventions.

Drug demand prevention represents a key element of the EU Action Plan of Drugs 2009-2012: measurably reduce the use of illicit drugs and the harms caused by individuals and society at large.

The evaluation of this strategy continues to be an integral part of the EU drug policy. After having analysed the action plan 2005-2008, the EU adopted a new action plan for 2009-2012, which draws lessons on what happened. It ensures that the prevention and treatment of drug use must be more widely available to reduce the demand for drugs and reduce the socio-health consequences of drug use.
Acknowledging the impacts of poverty, marginalisation and social exclusion, the EU continues to support demand reduction in many third world countries, along with principles of dignity and human rights of drug addicted people. Projects are funded to cover the full range of demand reduction measures in different parts of the world.
The EU stresses the importance of the role and commitment of NGOs for demand reduction.

The EU points to the alarming situation of HIV and Hepatitis C, and their linkages with IDUs. There is a need to meet the goal of universal access, and there is still much to be made in this domain. UNODC should assist in the scaling up of services to drug users. There should be a common understanding about what a comprehensive package for HIV prevention and drug users should contain. The HIV/AIDS Conference is a chance to demonstrate the need to constantly invest in HIV prevention and treatment. We also express our full support on WHO/UNODC on dependence treatment and care.

Renewal of the call for respect of human rights.

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