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Plenary Day 1: Grulac spokesperson

Hails President Evo Morales who has honoured us with his presence.

Grulac supports the continuation of the roundtable series and its evaluation process. Also puts emphasis on the importance of common shared responsibility in combating the global drug problem.

We understand bolstering common action by states and the implementation of concerted and coherent common actions. This is important because of the ability of organised crime to adapt its routes.

Grulac highlights the importance globally to reduce the consumption as well as the production of illicit drugs and that prevention must be part of the parcel of a global strategy. Grulac welcomes the UNODC for creating a community prevention based on scientific evidence and highlights the need to boost exchange of good practice.

Grulac also acknowledges the traditional use of chewing is an ancestral practice that should be supported by the international community. But the mechanism for illicit drug eradication must be maintained.

To conclude Grulac wishes to restate that the global problem of illicit drugs cannot be combated if there is not a political dedication on both sides to combat the demand and supply side.

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