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Opening Plenary: Statement from Guatemala

The country has become a transit country, neither a major producing nor consuming country. It’s been more than 50 years of the single convention, I think each member state have to think through what we have being doing. The president of Guatemala has worked relentlessly to promote security.
We cannot allow the most successful people in the world to be drug traffickers. We realize very little has been done in the health system response to the drug challenge. In terms of drug violence we need to as a state to promote peace and less violence. If there is any war to be declared is the war on violence. Also consider legalization of drugs which are of health benefit. Decriminalize consumption and free the jail. There are many people in the prison for consumption.
The global drug policy should be based on these 3 principles
i.                     Strengthening of the state
ii.                   The principle of humanity
iii.                  We need to be humble: we shouldn’t assume we know everything and can do everything. We need to discuss about the well being of our population and not just a few

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