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Moroccan Ambassador on behalf of African Group

Moroccan Ambassador: The African group offers full support to the board. Says the work of session will be rewarded with fruitful results. Identifies itself with the previous statement by the G77. Will support the joint ministerial statement. Reinforces commitment to implementation to the three existing conventions. The group looks forward to the round table discussion and believes these discussions will provide an opportunity for working together and sharing information and make better decisions. Believes that the World Drug Problem  needs more international cooperation and the African Group wants integrated multidisciplinary approach to addressing it.
Notes the need to support developing countries in developing drug control strategies. Acknowledges the UNODC support for funding, technical assistance and equipment. Need cooperation to share data, and thank UNODC for helping the group better collect data to assess achievement of targets. The group expresses illicit cultivation of crops remain a major challenge for their region. Need better alternative development strategies at all levels. The group is concerned at the emerging status as African countries as transit points for narcotics. Notes they are making progress on some targets.  Notes that poverty and unemployment are major factors, need support for education and job creation inline with Millennium Development Goals. Notes that money laundering and human trafficking are big problems for his region. The African Group welcomes law enforcement and health efforts to limit the spread of drugs. Deeply concerned about the availability of pain relief drugs and the need to stop diversion and increase access to the people who need them. The group welcomes the decision of the General Assembly to hold UNGASS 2016 and looks forward to the proposal to come out of this meeting.

Please click here to read the full statement: http://myconference.unov.org//Documents/Get/0179db4a-51b2-47d7-99dd-90d2fbdd6dec

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