Home » CND Day 2 – Plenary Session Presentation of Items 7 & 10

CND Day 2 – Plenary Session Presentation of Items 7 & 10

Item 7. World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission

Report of the UNODC on the world drug situation (E/CN.7/2015/4) and on action taken by subsidiary bodies (E/CN.7/2015/5).

Opium poppy cultivation. Afghanistan and Myanmar account for majority of cultivation worldwide. Areas under cultivation increased 7% since last year. In South East Asia, poppy cultivation increased slightly. Majority taking place in Myanmar. About 12% of production levels in Afghanistan. Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran have accounted for most opium seizures. Seizures of morphine mostly in Afghanistan and neighbouring countries.

Coca Cultivation. Declined further in 2013. Three Andean countries continued to account for virtually all coca bush cultivation worldwide. Historically low levels in Colombia. Seizure of cocaine decreased in 2013. Cocaine seizures have followed a decreasing trend since 2005. Consistent with decreasing levels of coca bush cultivation. In 2013, South America accounted for the majority of global cocaine seizures. Decreased slightly in 2013.

Cannabis. Country reports and seizure data indicate that the cultivation of cannabis continues worldwide. Global cannabis herb seizures increased in 2013. Seizures of cannabis resin also increased in 2013.

Amphetamine-type stimulants. After rapidly increasing from 2008 to 2011, stabilized in 2013.

Four meetings of the subsidiary bodies took place in 2013. Africa, Latin America/Caribbean, Asia/Pacific, Near and Middle East. Topics considered by working groups of subsidiary bodies included diverting precursor chemicals, cooperation for law enforcement, responses to maritime trafficking, measures to reduce cultivation, etc. Available in E/CN.7/2015/5.

Campaign Against Drug Abuse of Kenya
September 15 – 19, 2014. Law enforcement, foreign affairs, and health experts discussed issues in the region, including trends in development of substances not currently under international control, challenges associated with cannabis, responding to the threat of heroin trafficking, national and international collaboration in preparation for the UNGASS, etc. Meeting took note of the Joint Ministerial Statement from 2014. Meeting results to continue to support and contribute to the UNGASS. CND recommended that subsidiary bodies keep meeting.

The Deputy Secretary General of the Narcotics Control Board of Thailand

Deputy Secretary offered results of 38th HONLEA, Asia and the Pacific,which took place on 21-24 October 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand. Document E/CN.7/2015/

At meeting, the Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies adopted a number of expert recommendations.

1)   To respond to trafficking in NPS.
2)   To undertake easures to amend legislation that could improve national enforcement strategies.
3)   To facilitate collaboration betwwen drug enforcement agencies.

Floor now opened up for contributions

U.S.A. Delegate

National governments must protect citizens by reducing supply of harmful drugs. The effectiveness of enforcement policies can be shown by decline in demand of cocaine.
The U.S. has been directing resources towards targeting the  highest criminal traffickers. However, reductions in supply cannot be achieved alone and require international co-operation

Addressing the determination of the HONLEA Meeting

1)   The U.S. developed a smart on crime approach in the U.S. which allows resources tobe focused on most dangerous traffickers.
2)   Re-NPS  further co-operation between governments is required if countries are to remain up to date on latest substances.
3)    In the near and middle east focus should be placed on updating responses to protect maritime borders. International border control agency should be highlighted in advance on UNGASS 2016. 

Armenian delegate

Armenia cannot remain passive as drug use and traffic rises. Armenia has lower drug use and supply than the surrounding countries. However, it is becoming a trafficking route. In 2008 Armenia decriminalized the use of drugs. Methadone scheme was put in place in 2009.

Methadone is now offered in 3 major cities and in prisons. In Armenia, preventive measures target illegal drug trafficking, with law enforcement working with border guards, internal revenue and customs officers. As a result the drug trafficking situation is stable in Armenia.

In 2014 law enforcement agencies seized 889 kilos of narcotic drugs. 
Korean Delegate

World wide use of opiate have been increasing steadily over the past five years.  Drug trafficking based on internet has also increased. Foreign websites allow for NPS to be bought.

Thai Delegate

Thailand allies itself with the recommendations of the commission. Thailand has been both travel route and destination for narcotic drugs. To prevent this, international cooperation is needed. 

Moroccan Delegate

Law enforcement has been able to reduce supply through co-operation with local countries and establishment of special investigations teams.






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