Home » Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Wednesday 14th – Morning Session)

Plenary: Item 3 General Debate (Wednesday 14th – Morning Session)


We wish to recall the end of the armed conflict allowing our country to move towards a solution to drug production. A voluntary substitution policy tied to development plans will enable us to progress to structural solutions. In my country we put an end to a 54-year conflict and the direct impact of this must be the reduction of violence and drug production. In order to meet this objective, we need more innovation that will be set a plan of action, leading to lasting results. A sad past that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. Measuring the efforts of states must be multi-dimensional in order to set aside the old paradigm when successes were related to quantities. We are suggesting we carry out a detailed review in every state to take this approach. The following objectives: the scope and nature of the political resolve. Are there any weaknesses that open up tolerance that gives rise to drugs trafficking? How is this translated into public policies? Their fragmented nature often stands in the way. This approach requires we closely study the implementations responsible for the policies. At the same time, we must also gage the effectiveness of how institutions are meeting these objectives. We have learned as a result of the drug related violence that we must develop rigorous indicators to assess our objectives. A multi-dimensional approach means we must take stock f financial efforts and a guarantee of budgets in keeping with the magnitude that we face. To have a comprehensive assessment we must consider the relationship between governance and anti-drugs policies. We need absolute respect for democratic governments. We need certainty that the UNGASS document will be implement in order to follow a health and human rights approach. The war on drugs has not been won and we need new strategies and responses that match the needs of our citizens. Allow me to tell you we are moving forward with bold steps, given the number of seizures we have been able to break historical records in recent years: 50% of drugs produced in our country. We all share the duty of transferring the 2016 UNGASS document into policies. The SDGs must prevail as part of a health and human rights-based approach. We wish to share our certainty that we are committed to innovation through coordination efforts. We can come up with lasting solutions which will put an end to the fear that communities effected by drugs experience.


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