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Plenary: Item 4. General debate of the ministerial segment (cont…)

Brazil: We would like to associate ourselves with Egypt’s statement on behalf of the G77. Brazil welcomes the ministerial declaration renewing our global commitment to counter the WDP. As we reinforce international cooperation, we create an inducive environment. If we are to reach the strongest links of the drug market, we have to ensure criminals do not benefit from the proceeds of crime. We have to act together to guarantee that crime does not pay off. Through bilateral, regional and international cooperation we will be able to freeze assets and return assets of drug-related crimes. In the past 5 years the Brazil law enforcement we have apprehended more than 2 billion dollars from drug crime. We have also ensured that many leaders face justices for their crimes. The newly invested government has proposed an anti-crime bill to combat violent and organised crime which will contribute to combat drug trafficking. Brazil is unequivocally committed to combat the drug problem by considering human rights, health, and social perspectives. The use of drugs is a health issue. We must avoid concepts that stigmatise people who use drugs. Brazil has presented a draft resolution to this session of the CND by taking into the needs of women who use drugs. We aim to reduce barriers to HIV treatment and prevention services. The control of substances that have amplified through synthetic and psychotropics substances has been addressed.

France: We recognize the victims of terrorist attack today. France fully endorses the EU statement. Challenges that bring us together are tremendous. Drug use is increasing around the world, harmful consequences of drug trafficking shows us that no one is exempt. The fight against drugs is the shared responsibility of all of us. We focus importance on multilateralism. We reiterate commitment to absolute compliance to conventions. Main objective is to protect individuals and societies. The drug conventions enable us to rise up together. Human rights is common cornerstone. We honour commitment to Universal Declaration of Human Rights, establish moratorium for abolition of death penalty. 2016 document is ambitious and realistic and has operational recommendations. Our policies are based on scientific evidence. There’s no way back, we must rely on forward action. Operational recommendations from 2016 urge a humane and balanced approach, mitigation of individual and social tensions. We commend UNODC for implementing those responsibilities. The French Governmental road map enables us to have prevention based on scientific evidence, combatting all forms of trafficking, support of the most vulnerable people with focus on harm reduction for people who use psychoactive substances, provide consumption rooms, and allow us to have a strong commitment to international cooperation. The approach in France is foward looking and inclusive. Yesterday with Cote Ivoire and WHO, we had a side event on HIV, AIDS and malaria. We aim to protecting health and guarantee welfare of societies. This year we coordinated with the listen first initiative. It provides a friendly ear to young people and children. We do all we can to ensure health security and welfare to our citizens. We must carry the torch of multilateral action.

UK:  We align with the statement made by the EU. In our national capacity, we see today as a milestone so we can build upon our history and send a strong message that we remain committed to address this common and shared issue. Progress has been made to address the global drug issue. The 2009, 2014 and 2016 papers are important policy documents with the UNGASS outcome document being the timeliest guideline. We thank UNODC, WHO and INCB for their ongoing work. We face unprecedented challenges as the 2018 World Drug Report shows: the range of markets are expanding and the production of opium and cocaine are at its highest levels with devastating impacts on all our societies. It is the priority of all governments to keep their people safe – we are determined to prevent and bring down organized crime. We are making sure there are no safe places online or offline for these people. International efforts to reduce HIV transmission have fallen short so we must redouble our efforts here. The conventions were funded upon preventing dangerous affects of certain substances and ensuring access to medicines. Despite that, too many people live without access. Furthermore, human rights violations continue to be committed in the name of drug control. We urge all MS who still use death penalty to abolish this unacceptable and ineffective practice. We must ensure our work is fully integrated with the SDGs. The UK is delivering a modern balance within the UN conventions with the focus on police, health, communities and with global partners to protect the most vulnerable and help those who need to turn their lives around. We are absolutely committed to further reduce the worrying links between drugs and violence. We are undertaking a major critical review currently and we will build on our current national strategy to better implement the outcome documents. We have been addressing the CND in the past 70 years based on shared responsibility and we trust that we can further do so to ensure the health and welfare of all humankind.

Italy: we align ourselves delivered by the EU. As we take stock of the implementation of our commitments, we are confronted by a problem that has grown in complexity and poses a greater threat to human safety. The responsibility resting on MS is enormous. The ministerial segment comes at a critical juncture and as affirmed in the declaration, now is the time to accelerate our commitment in common and shared responsibility. The UNGASS outcome document offers comprehensive guidance and offers a milestone in international drug policy. Italy has addressed the WDP in a multidisciplinary fashion by:

  • Investing in prevention based on early detection and intervention
  • Recognition to treatment for drug dependence is a right for every individual
  • Promotion of proportionate responses through drug-related offences. In this context, we reaffirm our strong opposition to the death penalty
  • Unwavering commitment to counter illicit drug trafficking.

Italy has a strong belief whereby the scientific community, NGOs and civil society play a key role. Governments cannot address the problem alone; everyone is a key partner in addressing the problem.

Chile: We emphasize the part played by CND within the UN which is why we reiterate our commitment and full support to our common and shared responsibilities, scientific evidence-based approaches in a multilateral context on the basis of the 3 conventions with full respect to human rights and sovereignty of states & non-interference. We also recognize the 2009 political plan of action and align ourselves to the target sets therein. As well as the outcome documents of the 2014 and 2016 meetings. We are committed to effectively address the world drug problem through open, transparent and inclusive debate considering all dimensions of the issue as is set out in the ministerial declaration. We think a due recognition to the conventions is important as well as leaving flexibility sufficient for MS to adapt the measures that fit best to their domestic realities. We need to make sure an effectively broad and evidence-based approach is implemented to have treatment, rehabilitation and rehabilitation. We need to keep the adverse effects of dangerous drugs to the minimum while making sure there is sufficient access to them for medical and scientific purposes. We need to take action against illicit cultivation, manufacture and trafficking, we take steps to bring down various organized criminal actions. We are worried about new challenges posed by NPS, new trafficking routes and the darknet. We have to take controlled multilateral action and bolster international cooperation. We join the appeal to look into all national systems in the area of narcotic drugs and the instruments we have must be pooled and program effectiveness must be measured with keeping in mind the SDGs. We welcome the UNODC’s efforts to improve data collection. We believe its important to bring other players on board on regional and multinational fields. A cross-cutting approach must ensure full access to education, treatment and proportional sentencing must be heeded. Gender-perspectives must also be brought on board, especially in terms of prevention and proper care as well as treatment as is set out by the SDGs. We must avoid marginalization and social stigma by designing and implementing balanced drug policies. We reaffirm the need for a better understanding for the underpinning social and economic factors so that we can make a meaningful contribution to the prosperity of humankind. Alternative Development is an efficient strategy and is important to continue to implement the UN’s guiding principles. We are worried about the lack of equitable geographic and gender balance within the office of UNODC and we continue to enforce this principle in terms of recruitment.

Belarus: Ten years ago, when we adopted the political plan of action, we set important goals; now the challenges are greater. Abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances has reached record levels. Illegal drug trafficking has shifted to the internet and has become contact free. The task of countering drug crime is more difficult. Our collective ability to counter the WDP is important. The cornerstone of the international system of drugs is the three international conventions, we call for the ratification of these conventions. The 2009 declaration and plan of action and the 2014 and 2016 UNGASS document are mutually reinforcing. Combating drugs at national level involves the contribution of the state and society alike. The number of drug crimes solved has fallen by a third and this is continuing; the number of minors involved fell 20-fold. Since 2015 we have not had a fatal outcome of overdoes amongst minors. The national strategy of 2020 pays attention to addiction. We are active in events organised by the CSTO. Common and shared responsibility is important in todays circumstances. Addressing the WDP is not possible if each of us follow our own national interest and ignore the situation in other countries. We would like to support the ministerial declaration adopted during this meeting.

Kuwait: We subscribe to the statements of the Arab group, the G77 and China, and the Asia Group. We join our voice to the commitments undertaken by the international community. We are fully committed to the conventions. The Conventions are the cornerstone to combat drugs. And of our country’s commitment to the 2009, 2014 and 2016 documents. We underscore the importance of the agreement of the deadlines of the 2009 document, extending them to 2019 and beyond. The commitments must be focused on the framework provided by the conventions. Anti-drugs and anti-psychotropic conventions. With legislation to address drug problems at home and better enhance our performance. National sovereignty is a priority for my country. We attach great importance to the UN Charter which calls for non-intervention. And respect for religious and cultural differences and human rights. In many countries, we see positive actions to combat crime. Treatment and rehab centres are in place in my country to provide treatment to drug addicted prisoners and since 2000, we’ve had very positive results. And we cooperate and work together with civil society in this endeavour. In that light, we now receive host visits from our partner countries interested in learning about our experience in rehabilitation. It’s very important to establish and tackle the links between drug trafficking and other crimes (corruption, terrorist financing, money laundering). We need to build capacity on this and security.

Australia: (Ambassador and Permanent Representative to UN in Vienna). We welcome the opportunity to be here. It’s important to us that the international community come together to take stock and to look forward on how we work together. We reaffirm our commitment to the 3 conventions; and collaboration between the UNODC, INCB and WHO. Multipronged support leads to balanced approach. The drug control conventions were founded and remain concerned on welfare for all human kind.

We believe in a balanced approach with law enforcement and health. Our national drug strategy aims to reduce the demand, supply and harms associated with illicit drugs. Our strategy focuses on vulnerable populations – along with the resolution we submitted to the 61st CND last year. Will continue to campaign for access to controlled substances whilst preventing their diversion. So many people suffer and are in need of palliative care. We work on ensuring access to controlled medications and acknowledge other states for doing so. We note the outcome document in 2016 contained no less than 8 operational recommendations on expanding availability to controlled substances while preventing their diversion. Emergence of synthetic substances including NPS and ATS add to range of responses needed for rapidly evolving challenges. We aim to increase international collaboration in our resolution this year and we invite others to join us. Law enforcement efforts are best focused on trafficking; minor and non violent crimes need proportionate responses, with alternatives such as treatment. We press for the abolition of death penalty in all circumstances – it is ineffective in deterring drug use. The 2014 and 2016 documents together represent commitments by international communities – they are complementary and mutually reinforcing.

We express our condolences to New Zealand – New Zealand are our brothers and sisters, and we have so much in common – an attack on New Zealand feels like an attack on ourselves.

India: the adoption of the political declaration 2009 has guided drug policy in the past decade. Member states have strived to achieve the problem of eliminating the drug problem. The 2009 document calls for a comprehensive approach in countering money laundering, supply reduction and demand reduction. India’s national policy of narcotic and psychotropic drugs in 2012 is a multidisciplinary function that serves as a benchmark for all agencies. We have come out with the pattern on exchange and substance use in this country and have adopted policies that focus on:

  • Awareness building
  • Training of volunteers and service providers
  • Community involvement

We have incorporated the principle of drug balance in our community. India is a major manufacturer and trader of precursor chemicals. In 2013 we increased control of our manufacturing. We have recently scheduled Tramadol as a psychotropic substance. We are following the system of the INCB. We successfully stopped a huge consignment of psychotropic substance – this was acknowledged by the INCB. In 2014 we amended the principles on money laundering, convictions relating to drug trafficking have been secured under money laundering laws. We have entered into MOUs with 38 countries, including our neighbours, for information sharing and capacity building. the emergence of new narcotics and psychotropic presents new challenges, we need to reiterate our strategy and the appropriate framework needs to be implemented.

Switzerland: We welcome the intersessional meetings organised by CND, which allowed MS to take stock of the implementation of the UNGASS Outcome Document. Switzerland recalls that public health systems must be enhanced, in particular for prevention, treatment, referral and rehabilitation, in the framework of an integrated and balanced approach, with measures based on scientific data. Importance of the quality of statistics and defining indicators in line with SDGs and gender-sensitive. Reliable data that can be compared will provide a better idea on the dimension of the problem. Statistics allow us to understand the past and better prepare for the future. Switzerland opposes extrajudicial killings, the death penalty, torture cruel punishment. Capital punishment does not help us overcome issues related to drug related challenges. Supreme punishment linked to drug offences violates international law. So we interpret Paragraph 6 of the Ministerial Declaration as precluding the use of the death penalty. We regret that some of the accomplishments of UNGASS were not fully reflected in the Ministerial Declaration. We align ourselves with the statement of the Pompidou Group, of which we’re part. The targets of the years to come must avoid pitfalls of the past. We must give priority to action. We will continue to shoulder our responsibilities in these matters. We need an open and constructive dialogue with MS and UN bodies about the many manifestations of the drug problem, in cooperation with the academic sector and civil society, as part of the approach set out in UNGASS and the SDGs Agenda 2030. We cooperate with WHO, WB, UNAIDS, MS, civil society in the context of the Strategic Advisory Group to the United Nations on Injecting Drug Use and HIV (SAG). This group works since 2014 and its work has been useful and relevant. Multilateralism is very important for us. Our federal state structure means we’re used to exchanges between multiple cultures languages and policies. We appreciate respect for different approaches and realities on the ground.

Zambia: Chairperson, Excellences, Distinguished delegates. Let me begin by congratulating the Chairperson of the Ministerial Segment and CND for being elected to lead this session, and commend the UNODC and all the delegates for their commitment in the preparation of the Ministerial segment and the Ordinary session of the 62nd CND. The 2009 Political Declaration and Action Plan established 2019 as the target date for States to eliminate or reduce significantly and measurably illicit drug supply and demand, the diversion and trafficking of precursors and money laundering. Since we are now in 2019, it is time to take stock of the implementation of the commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem. Chairperson; Available international and regional reports point to the fact that we are far from achieving our commitments as set out in the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action. The World Drug Report of 2018 shows that both the range of drugs and drug markets are expanding and diversifying as never before. The globe Society is facing a potential supply-driven expansion of drug markets, with production of opium and manufacture of cocaine at the highest levels ever recorded. Markets for cocaine and methamphetamine are extending beyond their usual regions, while drug trafficking online using the dark- net continues to represent only a fraction of drug trafficking as a whole. Chairperson, as we look beyond 2019 and establish a new time-line, we need to step up our responses to address the world drug problem and its related vices; such as money laundering, corruption and terrorism, by building on the successes that we have scored so far. Therefore, Zambia supports the adoption of the ministerial outcome document and we are hopeful that it will send a strong political message on addressing the world drug problem. Further, Zambia reaffirms that the three International Drug Conventions and related Protocols continue to be the cornerstones for combating the world Drug Problem. Any departure from the dictates of the international drug conventions will effectively imply that society has failed to fight organized crime and to protect the health of its citizens. In demonstrating the commitment to the implementation demand reduction and related measures, Zambia approved and launched a National Alcohol Policy in May 2018, which has provided guidance on evidence-based public health approach to significantly reduce alcohol harm on individuals and society at large. Further, Zambia is in the process of developing a Drug and Substance Control Policy which will strike a balance between supply reduction efforts and demand reduction measures, and mobilising resources for prevention and treatment of drug abuse and disorders and will bring all key stakeholders on board thereby ensuring no one is left behind. Chairperson; Zambia is reviewing its laws on Narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances to address new and emerging challenges and has since developed a 2018-2021 Strategic Plan which seeks and well-defined strategic direction on combating the drug problem and money laundering and countering money-laundering and promoting judicial cooperation, Zambia has continued to cooperate with international and regional organisations in capacity building programmes and in promoting the exchange of best practices, information sharing and successful experiences in the area of drug supply reduction. In this regard, the Country has signed and operationalised a number of agreements with both regional and international stakeholders. Therefore, Zambia wishes to recognise the role of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-USA and EU-ACT in promoting and enhancing international and regional cooperation in combating illicit drugs and money laundering. Further, Zambia is reviewing its legal and policy framework on Anti-Money laundering and Countering financing of terrorism, to make it more effective and compliant to international standards, and has since operationalised the National Anti-Terrorism Centre. In addition, Zambia has continued to enhance judicial cooperation through the implementation of mutual legal assistance provisions. The country is committed to addressing money laundering and related offences such as corruption. Currently, some high-ranking government officials are being investigated for money laundering and corruption. In conclusion, Zambia remains committed to implementing commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem

Belgium: This session is an excellent opportunity to take stock. We must underscore the balanced and multidisciplinary approach. If we are to success in this approach, we need to manage the available resources. coherent values is crucial in implementing the international drug policies, we must uphold the right to life, the right to access healthcare and the right to health. 75% does not yet have access to healthcare – we must address the access to essential medicines. Belgium has financed projects led by |UNODC and INCB and encourage other countries to do so. In 2017 Belgium adopted a generic and proactive approached aimed at combatting illicit and psychotropic substances. We have taken a range of measures over the past year focused on illicit drug trafficking. Since 2018 a multidisciplinary bringing together stakeholder involved in the discouraging of drug trafficking. This initiative makes the fight against drug trafficking allows Belgium to become a pioneer. Belgium has developed strategies to allow reintegration of those who use illicit drugs. Abolition of the death penalty is important for Belgium. The roles of civil society organisations, stakeholders, the scientific community, UNODC and INCB are important to make the best possible use of our resources.

Hungary: Express deepest sympathy to families of Christchurch attack. We are certain significant progress has been achieved, nevertheless significant problems remain. We commit to meet goals of UNGASS outcome document, in particular children and youth. Eliminate misuse of controlled substances. Our national strategy is based on community building approach, promoting a healthy and drug free lifestyle. For supply reduction we mean law enforcement and international cooperation. We witness rapid emergence of substances in Hungary around the world – which poses major challenges to professionals. Hungary was one of the first EU countries to respond. New trend in seizure data for NPS. Welcome adoption of EU wide NPS strategy. Importance of international cooperation in international drug policy. We are convinced we could effectively tackle world drug issues.

Mozambique: Thank you, Mister Chairman, for the opportunity to address the Ministerial Segment. Mozambique government is committed to address the illicit drug trafficking problem in our country, which is a manifestation of transnational organized crime, as well as to ensure that citizens (adolescents and young people) are not plagued by problematic drug use. The Mozambican government, through the National Assembly, approved Law No. 3/97 on March 13 1997, a legal instrument that defines and establishes the legal framework to addressing the illicit production, trafficking and consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, precursors and other substances with similar effects. To practice this law, Mozambique government created the Central Office for Prevention and Combating of Drugs (GCPCD). GCPCD is an institution accountable to the Council of Ministers, of national scope, created under article 26 of Law 3/97. Objectives of the GCPCD Article 27 of the aforementioned legal instrument provides: 1. The general objective of the GCPCD is to centralize information that may facilitate the investigation of illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors; to coordinate the planning of actions to repress trafficking, to collaborate with competent authorities of investigation and prosecution and to cooperate with the corresponding services of other countries. 2. It is also incumbent upon the GCPCD to participate in the formulation of policies and strategies aimed at repression of the illicit production,1 trafficking and consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or precursors. Reasons for the process of revision of Law 3/97 of 13 March It has been more than twenty years since the approval of the aforementioned law, which is outdated and disconnected to the socio political and economic context of our country. The need to review some of its precepts is unquestionable. We need an update drug policy that are relevant to our current context and can be effective in reducing the trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs. This exercise intended to clarifSr certain aspects. It aimed to remove provisions that are in conflict with the Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique, the Policy and Strategy for Prevention and Combating the Drug problems, which was approved by the Council of Ministers on 4 April 2003 and the National Strategy on Illegal Drugs and Other Psychoactive Substances which was approved by the Council of Ministers on April 8 2014, In this process of reviewing and revising our drug policy, various organisations, including central institutions directly responsible for drug prevention and control – Ministry of Health and GCPCD, and Provincial Offices for Prevention and Control of Drugs, civil society organisations, including community-based organisations, religious institutions, community leaders, international organizations dealing with drug trafficking and consumption related issues, among others, contributed to a new draft law that is appropriate to the current situation. In the light of the review of the aforementioned Law No. 3/97, the following key aspects were taken into account, which I would like to highlight today. Constitution of the Republic of Mozambique Mozambique, being a Democratic State of Law, where the rule of law prevails, is guided by strict respect for legality, where all citizens’ rights must have legal protection guaranteed by their Government. With emphasis on the satisfaction of citizens’ rights, taking into account the role of the State as guarantor of social justice, always taking into account respect for human rights and fundamental guarantees. As a result, we all need to work together to ensure that due respect is given to the general principles of the Mozambican legal system, which emanate2 from constitutional rules, especially the need to respect the principle of equality of all citizens below the law. The principle of equality, as set forth in our Constitution, (which implies that everyone, without exception, must respect the rule of non discrimination, non-stigmatization and fair treatment of all citizens of our country), as a nuclear element. Drug Prevention and Control Policy and Strategy The Policy and Strategy for Drug Prevention and Combating embodies a structured set of policy options, and is assumed to have been designed from the clear statement of principles and the safe definition of objectives. as well as from the precise establishment of strategic options that will long term. In this instrument of great importance, they outline structuring principles that guide the prevention of drug use, control and fight against drug trafficking, from which the humanist principle is highlighted. This translates into the recognition of the human dignity of people who use drugs, whose corollary in short, is the understanding of complexity and importance of the individual, family and social history of the drug user, as well as the assumption of State responsibility for the constitutional right of drug users to health and for combating social exclusion. Meeting the needs of people who use drugs (with drug use being decriminalized), bearing in mind that it is cheaper, more effective and more humane to decriminalize than to adopt repressive interventions. The guiding principle from the UNGASS 2016 outcome document, and the African Union Plan of Action on drugs, emphasize the importance of access to appropriate treatment and stresses the need to adopt Harm Reduction policies that may raise in people who use drug an awareness of their own dignity, a means of access to treatment and social reintegration with the minimum of quality. In this context, it is emphasized that pragmatism objectively refers to the promotion of actions that minimize the negative consequences of drug use and safeguard social reintegration; reducing the risk of avoidable infectious diseases; In addition, the principle of pragmatism also penetrates the subjects of Harm Reduction and therapeutic administration of substances prescribed for detoxification. 3 In this sense, one can infer that if we realistically assess the financial, political and social costs of adopting a prohibitionist stance (blindly advocating the criminalization of drug use); this conservative perspective, could easily lead us to slip into unbridled persecution and violence, seriously compromising the human rights principles. In this view, it is concluded that greater gains will be made by investing in public health approach by embracing supportive, instead of repressive to people who use heroin and other psychoactive substances. National Strategy on Illegal Drugs and Other Psychoactive Substances The National Strategy on Illicit Drugs and Other Psychoactive Substances – ENSDIOSP, approved by the Mozambican Government to be effective during the period 2014-2023, in strategic areas 3, 4 and 5, emphasizes in detail an approach that favours the abovementioned principles of legality, equality and pragmatism. In this context, we stress that it is urgent that we work hard so that with our simple contribution, we abandon the archaic perspective in our country and develop a proper and modern law to deal with the drug problem. Given the complexity of the work that must be done to develop a new law on drugs more adjusted to the current socioeconomic reality of our country (and even in harmony with the modern perspective), the GCPCD prepared the draft of the proposal to revise Law no. 3/97, in which several articles were proposed to be amended. Therefore, because we think it is a fair position, balanced according to our country’s Constitutional principles, we assume that the consumption of illicit drugs must be decriminalized. The Mozambican government welcome the common position of the In advance, may Your Excellences accept our expression of sublime recognition for your attention.

Vietnam on behalf of the ASEAN countries (Brunei; Darussalam; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand and Vietnam.): ASEAN recognise the importance of the 62ndCND and what to reaffirm our commitment.

The WDP is a complex and ongoing challenge. Drug trafficking and drug use pose a heavy burden.  Every new or existing drug user represents a life that is destroyed. ASEAN countries have reaffirmed a zero tolerance to drugs. As we deal with regional drug challenges new ones have emerged. The rapidly evolving NPS have begun proliferating in our region; our challenges are further compounded as a result. We are mindful of drug related challenges that we related to other organised crime. At the centred of addressing the WDP ASEAN reaffirm its commitments to addressing the WDP in a compromise manner. The three international conventions are complimentary and mutually reinforcing ASEAN confirms the continuing relevance in the challenges we face. We adopt the theme of securing communities against illicit drugs. Three years into the workplan we have made steady progress. In 2017 we launched the ASEAN cooperation plan to combat drug trafficking in the golden triangle. In order to improve information sharing we established ASEAN NARCO; this network helps facilitate the latest regional drug trends. We have published three detailed drug monitoring reports. We now have several platforms for information sharing between law enforcement agencies. In regard to demand reduction we have scaled up treatment to include evidence-based and community-based programmes. ASEAN. Member state strengthen their abilities to sustain alternative development programmes. We have achieved some success on the illicit cultivation of poppy since 2017. We have continued to work together in implanting our work plan. Working together is important and integral in combat the WDP; there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. We have achieved some encouraging progress, but there is still work to be done.

Estonia: On behalf of the Estonian delegation, I would like to join the previous speakers in welcoming the Ministerial Segment as an important opportunity to discuss the perspectives of the world drug problem. Estonia also fully aligns itself with the EU statement delivered yesterday by the Commissioner Avramopoulos. Mr. Chair, Drug problem has been among the major public health and safety issues affecting Estonia for the last decade and more. We have the unfortunate history of being affected by one of the most potent opioid substances available on the drug market – namely fentanyl. Fentanyl has been present in Estonia since the beginning of this century and its emergence was related to rapid changes in the supply chain of heroin. Since then, almost 1,800 addicts have deceased in Estonia. Almost all of them have died from fentanyl, placing Estonia as one of the highest overdose death rates per capita in the European Union. Stemming from these challenges, we have developed the best possible drug policy for Estonia that focuses on three main areas: 1) prevention and diversion of drug use, 2) treatment and harm reduction, and 3) supply reduction and safety. We have learned that success lies in focusing more on the public health and human rights dimension of the drug policy, which should receive at least the same amount of attention and commitment as the remaining elements of the global drug policy. We have also learned that it is important to involve public health professionals and other partners such as local governments, schools, the private sector, and the community at large. For that reason, we have established an interdisciplinary forum in our country consisting of all the relevant ministries and public agencies, as well as other stakeholders, including the civil society and scientific community. Having a broad view from different angles, we are continuously analyzing the successes and challenges of our drug policy in order to address the drug problem even more effectively. Mr. Chair, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Let me use this opportunity to welcome the discussions in the margins of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs with a view of sharing best practices and learning from each other, including from the scientific community and civil society. In this context, we would like to recall the importance of the UNGASS Outcome Document. The structure and operational nature of this document gives us an opportunity to discuss all the complementary and mutually reinforcing dimensions of the drug situation we are all facing. Drug problem must be addressed from both supply and demand side simultaneously, but the commitment to the latter must be more visible than it is today. I believe that through our joint efforts and collaboration with different partners we can effectively tackle the existing and new challenges. Thank you Mr. Chair! Federate States of Micronesia: Distinguished Chair, Excellencies, Delegates, good afternoon. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Federated States of Micronesia. My delegation aligns itself with the statements delivered yesterday by the distinguished representative of Egypt on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and by the distinguished representative of China on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group, and wishes to expound further in our national capacity. At the outset, allow me to take the opportunity to join previous speakers in extending our warm congratulations on your election as Chair as well as the remaining officers of the 62nd Session of the CND. My delegation wishes to reassure you of our full support; and we are confident on your ability to lead this 62nd Session of the CND to a successful conclusion. Micronesia attaches great importance to the global fight against illegal drugs. Coming from a small jurisdiction of only 100,000 people, we must take every reasonable step possible in order to preserve and conserve our limited human resources, as they are vital towards building our economy and projecting a better future for our young people. Illegal drugs destroy the future of the youth and emasculate the vitality and the productivity of human population. And Micronesia acknowledges the leading role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as the policymaking body of the United Nations in addressing drug-related matters. Small island states, such as Micronesia, face many significant challenges, not the least of which is the existential challenge posed by climate change and the consequential drowning of low-lying islands, many of them are found in my country. Whereas, the magnitude of drug-related problems might be not as acute in Micronesia as those experienced by much larger states, there are growing vulnerabilities at home that are associated with the entry, exit and transit of commercial vessels across the vast national maritime zone of Micronesia, which is over one million square miles. My island state relies upon fishing industry as a major source of national revenue, and it is a priority consideration for Micronesia to keep this industry drug-free and safe. Building a national capacity to monitor major activities in the maritime space and to effectively enforce law and order in this zone is important to the security of our people and the preservation of our sovereignty. Yet, inadequate number of national assets, in particular, patrol boats, hampers our present capability at sea. Nevertheless, in response to this growing vulnerability, the Micronesian Presidents’ Summit—comprised of the Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru and Republic of Kiribati— established the Micronesian Transnational Crime Unit (or “MTCU”) that would provide a platform for cooperation among law enforcement agencies in the areas of combatting transnational crimes, such as human trafficking, cybercrime and illegal drugs. This MTCU analyzes trends in transnational crimes, shares information among members, and cooperates in apprehending criminal activities. This MTCU needs support and cooperation in order to further expand its network and build further capacity and partnerships across the Pacific region and beyond. In closing, my delegation wishes to emphasize the urgent need of small countries, such as Micronesia, for technical assistance and support to be able to detect and identify illegal drugs, enhance cooperation among border control authorities, and be able to comply with rigorous reporting requirements under the relevant Conventions.
Jamaica: Thank you – our prayers go out to New Zealand. We welcome this opportunity, at this watershed moment in the world drug problem. 10 years ago we agreed to counter WDP, in 2016 we attended UNGASS session, in order to tackle this transnational scourge. But much remains the same. Range of drugs and drug markets are increasing like never before. Challenges for the health of our nation, we strive for sustainable development – so to must our policies and strategies. For this reason we, amended the dangerous drugs act in 2015, particularly on matter of cannabis. We welcome mission team from INCB in 2018. We note observations and recommendations shared from the visit. One size does not fit all – we remain committed to international drug framework, in this regard welcome recommendations from ECDD 41st recommendation regarding scheduling of cannabis, we note with great concern that this discussion will not be hear here within this session – this is an opportunity lost. We reiterate commendation to CND as primary body for drug related matters. Hope to become a member state in 2020-2023. We look forward to discussions over next few days to take stock and ensure our future is safeguarded.

Panama: When it comes to institutional strengthening, we have a national drugs authority, CONAPRED, responsible for coordinating demand, supply reduction, alternative development, control measures, drugs observatory, international cooperation and programme evaluation. Panama has invested significantly to build our institutional capacity. Since 2012-2017, we have an interinstitutional youth plan, and implement our national strategy for citizen’s safety, a programme with UNDP 2020-2030, based on the UNGASS Outcome Document. We have also commissioned studies on demand reduction, carried out by the drugs observatory, including input from the national drugs information network and a judicial drugs treatment programme and alternatives to punishment and proportionate sentencing. Human rights, intercultural, intergenerational and pro-gender approaches. Launched prevention programmes evaluating treatment programmes. National system of programmes and comprehensive and social-integration treatment, guaranteeing access without discrimination. Reducing supply, programmes to reduce crime and cultivation, address social and economic root causes, drawing from civil society experiences and other stakeholders. The coordination in these efforts have enabled us to achieve a reduction in malicious homicide. Fourth country in terms of drug seizures. Control measures: measured to prevent diversion (chemical control unit) mechanisms to inform industry and individuals about control and prevent diversion. Panama shares information using existing mechanisms regarding substances, analogues and precursors that pose threats to public health. We’ve updated our legislation on the matter. Have standards and rules in place to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism and preventing manufacturing of arms and weapons of mass destruction.  The UNGASS Outcome Document recommendations provide a future roadmap for the post-2019 period. Including human rights, and other matters. We call for efforts supporting dialogue to resolve this global problem and address consequences.

Bangladesh: His Excellency Ambassador Mirghani Abbaker Altayeb Bakhet – Chair of the 62nd Session of the Commission on Narcotics Drugs. His Excellency Mr. Yury Fedotov – Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. His Excellency Mr. Viroj Sumyai – President of the International Narcotic Control Board. Excellencies, Distinguished delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Afternoon. Let me first congratulate Ambassador Bakhet on his election as the Chair of the 62nd Session of the Commission, and also the other elected members of the Bureau. I would also like to commend the Secretariat for the important preparatory work and excellent arrangements made for the current session.

Mr. Chair, We fully align with the statement delivered on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, as well as the Asia-Pacific Group. In my national capacity, I would like to add the following:

As a State Party, Bangladesh reaffirms its full commitment to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988, which constitute the cornerstone of the international drug control system. Bangladesh is also fully committed to and has in the meantime taken necessary measures for the effective implementation of the 2009 Political Declaration and its Plan of Action, the general challenges and priorities for action identified in the Joint Ministerial Statement adopted at the High Level Review in 2014 and the UNGASS 2016 outcome document. In this context, Bangladesh notes with satisfaction the consensus and formal adoption of the Ministerial Declaration. The Declaration will become an important guiding reference beyond 2019 for effective implementation and follow-up of all our commitments to address and counter the world drug problem, which is a common and shared responsibility. Mr. Chair, Addressing the drug problem is high on the agenda of the present government of Bangladesh under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, which was reflected in the ‘Election Manifesto’ of her political party – Bangladesh Awami League. The Government has therefore adopted a zero tolerance policy against illicit drugs. Inclusive awareness campaign has been undertaken to sensitize about the harmful effects of narcotic drugs through seminar, symposium, and assembly with the help of different ministries, departments and institutions, including educational institutions, in Bangladesh. Nationally, Bangladesh has aligned its long-term policies and programmes with its commitment to the Agenda 2030 and SDGs. In this context, we are also working towards long-term comprehensive and sustainable development oriented and balanced drug control policies and programmes. Currently, Bangladesh has four (4) treatment and rehabilitation centers, established by the government, and two-hundred ninety-seven (297) centres operated by non-government entities to treat and rehabilitate users of narcotic drugs. Our government has the plan to set up such centres in all sixty-four administrative districts of the country. Mr. Chair, To tackle the emerging challenges of the world drug problem, we need to be innovative and effectively review our national provisions as well. We have updated our legal provisions and adopted a new Narcotics Control Act in 2018, including, inter alia, the Money Laundering (ML) prevention issues, measures against any primer of new narcotics drugs including New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and revision of penal provisions. Our national anti-narcotic drugs policy and strategy is working well for our country and is fully supported by the public. Mr. Chair, Bangladesh is not a source of production or manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychoactive substances, and still a serious victim of illicit drug trafficking and critical socio-economic consequences. As such, we cannot over-emphasize the need for effective, concrete and increased cooperation at international, regional, sub-regional and bilateral level to address the world drug problem. We would request the Commission to take a hard look at the problems faced by the source countries with a view to guiding those countries as to how the supply of illicit drugs can be stopped or significantly reduced. For our part, Bangladesh continues to earnestly work on demand reduction and related measures including prevention and treatment, as well as other health related measures by putting in place a number of effective programmes nationwide. At the same time, we would urge all states, through this Commission, to ensure sufficient and sustainable resources for the UNODC to increase its capacity-building initiatives, programmes and activities, particularly for developing countries.

Distinguished Delegates, I would like to conclude my statement by wishing for all of us a world free from the scourge of illicit drugs while reiterating Bangladesh’s firm commitment to working closely with all of you for this goal. I also reassure, Mr. Chair, of my delegation’s full support and cooperation to make this important Ministerial Session successful.

Morocco: Our strategic position means that we face specific challenges. The situation related to drug trafficking has changed. Hard drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, tramadol and others compel us to engage in debate about the impact and strategy to eradicate trafficking. In this spirit, we have created a national strategy to combat these challenges. This strategy upholds human rights standards and seeks to reduce supply and demand. Also, it involves civil society. On health, we have launched an action plan between now and 2012 to ensure better care for users. A public health approach by deploying preventative measures focusing on vulnerable populations, also in detention centres. We’re a pioneering country in methadone substitution programme implementation. Preventative action focused on people who use drugs to protect them from AIDS and hepatitis infections. In supply reduction, reduction of more than 65%; reflected in INCB and UNODC reports. Regular seizures. More than 6 tons of cocaine, 32 kilos of heroin, 2 million ecstasy pills (mostly from Europe), more than 1.5 million psychotropic substances. These seizures are flanked by the dismantling of criminal networks. We must address this challenge in a multilateral framework. Combatting drug trafficking requires efficient response and coordinated action. No place for pure rhetoric. Since 2009, situation globally has changed significantly. Trafficking knows no borders. Organisations more opaque and using new routes and technologies. Clear clashes between trafficking, separatist groups and terrorist groups, all threatening peace and security. These intersections must be studied more closely. Among the new facts that the international community should focus on is the indoor cultivation of psychoactive plants. Its impact should be focused on the relevant publications. Currently in the reports there are no mentions of this. We welcome the Ministerial declaration; its focus the implementation of the 2009, 2014 and 2016 documents, and the important role of CND as the principal drug policymaking body of the UN system, as well as the importance of INCB, compliance with the conventions, and the role of WHO. Our aspiration is that CND will provide fresh impetus in combatting drug trafficking. Morocco stands ready to make a significant contribution.

Federate States of Micronesia: Distinguished Chair, Excellencies, Delegates, good afternoon. I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Federated States of Micronesia. My delegation aligns itself with the statements delivered yesterday by the distinguished representative of Egypt on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and by the distinguished representative of China on behalf of the Asia Pacific Group, and wishes to expound further in our national capacity. At the outset, allow me to take the opportunity to join previous speakers in extending our warm congratulations on your election as Chair as well as the remaining officers of the 62nd Session of the CND. My delegation wishes to reassure you of our full support; and we are confident on your ability to lead this 62nd Session of the CND to a successful conclusion. Micronesia attaches great importance to the global fight against illegal drugs. Coming from a small jurisdiction of only 100,000 people, we must take every reasonable step possible in order to preserve and conserve our limited human resources, as they are vital towards building our economy and projecting a better future for our young people. Illegal drugs destroy the future of the youth and emasculate the vitality and the productivity of human population. And Micronesia acknowledges the leading role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as the policymaking body of the United Nations in addressing drug-related matters. Small island states, such as Micronesia, face many significant challenges, not the least of which is the existential challenge posed by climate change and the consequential drowning of low-lying islands, many of them are found in my country. Whereas, the magnitude of drug-related problems might be not as acute in Micronesia as those experienced by much larger states, there are growing vulnerabilities at home that are associated with the entry, exit and transit of commercial vessels across the vast national maritime zone of Micronesia, which is over one million square miles. My island state relies upon fishing industry as a major source of national revenue, and it is a priority consideration for Micronesia to keep this industry drug-free and safe. Building a national capacity to monitor major activities in the maritime space and to effectively enforce law and order in this zone is important to the security of our people and the preservation of our sovereignty. Yet, inadequate number of national assets, in particular, patrol boats, hampers our present capability at sea. Nevertheless, in response to this growing vulnerability, the Micronesian Presidents’ Summit—comprised of the Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Republic of Marshall Islands, Republic of Nauru and Republic of Kiribati— established the Micronesian Transnational Crime Unit (or “MTCU”) that would provide a platform for cooperation among law enforcement agencies in the areas of combatting transnational crimes, such as human trafficking, cybercrime and illegal drugs. This MTCU analyzes trends in transnational crimes, shares information among members, and cooperates in apprehending criminal activities. This MTCU needs support and cooperation in order to further expand its network and build further capacity and partnerships across the Pacific region and beyond. In closing, my delegation wishes to emphasize the urgent need of small countries, such as Micronesia, for technical assistance and support to be able to detect and identify illegal drugs, enhance cooperation among border control authorities, and be able to comply with rigorous reporting requirements under the relevant Conventions.

Oman: While stating our readiness to fully cooperate with you, we welcome the adoption of the ministerial declaration and highlight our alignment with the G77+china and the Arab group. We are at a time when the drugs problem continues to grow and its devastating impact is expanding, posing a security threat. We fully intend to align with UN drug control frame and we uphold Arab and international conventions in this arena. We have seized drugs and arrested traffickers, adopted numerous measures in keeping better control on how the drugs problem is being addressed. We take health and humanitarian aspects into account so our nation strategy is drafted in a balanced matter in line with the 2009 goals. We focus on demand reduction through awareness raising and education, targeting in particular youth. We provide rehabilitation and treatment services working together with the public and private sector as well as healthcare providers in order to improve the lives of those at risk of relapse. We support the CND’s role and responsibilities, we underscore our respect to the 3 conventions which serve as a bedrock of our global efforts. We recognize the documents 2009, 2014 and 2016 that are ideal instruments to effectively tackle the problem.

Angola: We are aware of the importance of this and our presence at this forum reflects our commitment. a great deal has already been done and sharing our experience with other nations allows us to see the scale of problems we face. We are doing our best to reduce supply and demand, we are focusing on prevention, we see this as a fundamental pillar of our community. This means ensuring the ministers of health, justice and other law enforcement agencies are able to tackle the threat of drug trafficking. There is a growing concern of improving the living conditions of our peoples. The individuals affected by drug dependency need care and reintegration into society. We need to address their mental and behavioural needs, overcome social, cultural, economic and administrative barriers. All efforts undertaken by the national drug control institute draw on the international conventions; these efforts call on the shared input from civil society. We place human development and national safety and security on the same level in the role they play in sustainable development.

Côte d’Ivoire, Ivory Coast: All protocol most be respected: our delegation has 8 members with me leading them. We express our solidarity to the African group. After having spoken about the important contribution of the global fund to fighting drug related diseases, our president was supposed to appear here today but due to our capacity, I am representing my nation. The statement will focus precisely on the policy reform and the challenges and the processes around this reform. We traditionally focus on enforcement carried out in a legal and institutional framework. We focus on drugs and crimes associated with them. The framework concludes training police, handling drug users and the operation of the ministerial committee on fighting drugs. The conventions don’t cover certain aspects including a regime for prevention, precursors, international cooperation, management of seized assets, money laundering or risk reduction as a public health policy. Our new law will be an appropriate response that helps combats drugs in all of their aspects. This is an inclusive process with several actors such as CSO, people who use drugs, national and international partners. Workshops and seminars have been held, including some with delegation rom the national assembly who established a parliamentary fight against drugs. We see innovations that this will bring, such as the provision on precursor control, a drastic reduction of the scale of sentencing including therapy and community service orders. There is a body established to manage seized assets as well as several efforts for international cooperation. Reform of the anti-drugs committee itself shows our commitment to reform our approach to fighting drugs. We combine elements of supply and demand reduction as well as risk and harm reduction within an integrated national plan to boost our fight against crimes associated with the global drug scourge. We request technical and financial support from our partners on all levels to implement these new legislations especially those caring for drug users.

Libya: The WDP poses a serious threat the health safety of our individuals and the stability of a growing number of countries. Various reports indicate a higher rate of drug production in the world. Poverty and economic rates overshadow this problem. There is increased non-medical use of Tramadol. It is a schedule substance. We call on all states to share a comprehensive and balances approached. We underscore the importance on delivering our commitments in line and keeping with the international conventions. It is important to measure the scope of these challenges to tackle them. We underscore the objectives in the political declaration of 2009. Trafficking drugs is not a petty crime, we experience international and national organised crime syndicates. They exploit the illegal trade and our geographical location. We hope there is better exchange of sharing information on the effects of drugs. We have put in place mechanisms; our government strives to set up a mechanism with neighbouring countries to combat the devastating crimes. We uphold the principle of common and shared responsibility and values the actions of UNODC. We want to ensure capacity building by mobilising resources to counter the WDP.

Tanzania: Warmest sympathies to New Zealand today. The drug problem after 10 years continues to pose a serious threat to the health and safety of humanity, particularly young people. Trafficking and abuse poses a great threat to humanity. Drug trafficking and problems undermine sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty and threatens the rule of law. This realization of the consequences of the drug trade is for us part of the solution. Knowing your problem is part of the solution. 2009 and 2016 documents have played a significant role in reducing the magnitude of the drug problem. We’ve teamed up with UN bodies to tackle the world drug problem. Drug problems are need a medical response. Should be in the hands of the doctors rather than hands of law enforcement agencies. Law enforcement should deal with people involved in drug trade. Drug problem has to be tackled on both ends, with more attention on health to reduce demand and harms of drug use. UN bodies have called for retribution and some for legalization of drugs. Public view is that a policy change is needed from crime, not drugs. We respect CND as principle body, and UNODC as leading entity of UN system in countering the WDP, and reform treaty roles of INCB and WHO. The more connections, the more ideas will come. Cherish serendipity of ideas from great members in this room.

Holy See: Mister Chairman, The Holy See is pleased to participate in this Ministerial Segment of the 62nd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and congratulates you, Mister Chairman, and the Bureau of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs for the extensive work you all have carried out in preparing for and now leading this Ministerial Segment. The Holy See welcomes the adoption of the Ministerial Declaration on “Strengthening our actions at the national, regional and international levels to accelerate the implementation of our joint commitments to address and counter the world drug problem”. This Ministerial Segment seeks to take stock of the implementation of the commitments made jointly to address and counter the world drug problem. In this regard, the Holy See wishes to express its perspective and offer a few considerations on the ten years now behind us, as well as on the way forward. Ten years of efforts to combat the world drug problem, 2009-2019 The last decade has seen the elaboration and adoption of three important policy documents: the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action,the 2014 Joint Ministerial Statement,and the 2016 UNGASS outcome document.These documents collectively underscore the crucial point made by the 1961 Single Convention, namely that “universal action calls for international co-operation guided by the same principles and aimed at common objectives”.The Holy See strongly believes that if the world drug problem is to be confronted and overcome in an effective and lasting manner, then we must advance our efforts and hoped for progress on the principle of common and shared responsibility. Such responsibility needs to be founded on increased international cooperation taking an integrated scientific evidence-based, multidisciplinary, mutually reinforcing and balanced approach. The broad and High-level segment of the 52ndsession of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 11-12 March 2019, The Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation Towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem. High-level segment of the 57thsession of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, 13-14 March 2014, Joint Ministerial Statement of the 2014 High-Level Review by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the Implementation by Member States of the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem. 30th Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 19-21 April 2016, our joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the 1972 Protocol, preamble. Encompassing nature of such an approach ensures not only that all efforts come together and pull in the same direction, but also that all resources are utilized to their fullest potential. In this regard, the mandates entrusted to the CND, UNODC, INCB and WHO continue to remain crucial. While recognizing that this past decade has in fact witnessed progress in global efforts to tackle the world drug problem, the Holy See fully concurs with the Ministerial Declaration’s expression of concern that “persistent and emerging challenges hinder our common efforts to implement all our commitments”. Expanding drug markets, record levels of production of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, and the increasing links between drug trafficking, corruption and criminal activity, even terrorism, all call on the international community to recognize that much more remains to be done. In addition, the low availability of those internationally controlled substances used for medical and scientific purposes, including for the relief of pain, and the shortcomings in drug treatment and healthcare, evidence that both pillars of the drug control regime are under significant pressure. The way forward. The implementation of all commitments, goals and targets requires as a first step the re-affirmation and protection of the three drug control conventions. These three conventions were, are, and must remain, the foundation of all efforts to tackle the world drug problem and establish the fundamental principles for these efforts. As in 1961, the international community must today begin with the acknowledgement that “addiction to narcotic drugs constitutes a serious evil for the individual and is fraught with social and economic danger to mankind” and that “the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering and that adequate provision must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs for such purposes”. In this regard, the Holy See must express its concern over the increasing divisions among States concerning drug policy. The discussions during the annual sessions of this Commission suggest not only that opposing views are making concerted, focused and truly common efforts more difficult, but also that the principles and guiding ideas that sustain our common efforts are being questioned and even re-negotiated. While this reality could be seen as reflecting that “relationships within the international community, and the multilateral system as a whole, are experiencing a period of difficulty”, we must never lose sight of the fact that the “indispensable condition for the success of multilateral diplomacy is the good will and good faith of the parties”.Recognition of, respect for, and protection of universal human rights are also crucial principles of the international community that must be incorporated into all efforts to tackle the world drug problem. This means that responses to drug-related crimes from law enforcement and the judiciary, as well as all other State actors and stakeholders, must be in line with universal human rights obligations, thereby promoting authentic justice, health and well-being that respect the dignity of the human person. Recently, Pope Francis called on judges to exercise a justice that is “attentive to the least and their integration: indeed, with the duty of giving to each person what is due to them, one cannot forget the extreme weakness that afflicts the lives of many and influences decisions”.In this regard, the Holy See feels compelled once more to call for the complete abolition of the death penalty. The commandment “thou shall not kill” and a consistent ethic of life means that recourse to capital punishment for drug- related offences can never be tolerated. The Holy See also believes it to be necessary to step up data collection and analysis. The root causes of both supply and demand of illegal drugs need to be studied more carefully to increase knowledge and understanding of these factors. Building on lessons learned and good practices will fortify and guide the co-ordinated efforts of States and the international community. On prevention efforts, States should engage not only with academia and international organizations, but also with local and regional communities, schools and educational institutions, civil society organizations, religious organizations and communities, as well as the family. Taking a broad approach will facilitate a balanced preventative approach: avoiding both a permissive attitude towards drugs and a punishment-centered approach devoid of mercy and compassion. In closing, the Holy See reaffirms its support for the efforts described in the Ministerial Declaration’s final part – outlining a way forward that will spare no efforts to promote the health, welfare and well-being of all individuals, families, communities and society as a whole. Thank you, Mister Chairman.

OHCHR: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) thanks the Commission on Narcotic Drugs for inviting OHCHR to speak at the High Level Ministerial Segment of 62nd session of the Commission. OHCHR welcomes the commitment of all United Nations Member States “to respect, protect and promote all human rights, fundamental freedoms and the inherent dignity of all individuals and the rule of law in the development and implementation of drug policies”. In the Ministerial Declaration, adopted yesterday, UN Member States expressed concern regarding ‘responses that are not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations’. Such responses ‘represent a challenge to the implementation of joint commitments of States based on the principle of common and shared responsibility’. Punitive drug policies continue to be used in many States, despite being ineffective in reducing drug trafficking or addressing non-medical drug use and supply.  Such policies continue to undermine the human rights, public health and wellbeing of persons who use drugs, as well as of their families and communities. Evidence shows that the so-called “war on drugs” has failed to address the drug problem.  Abusive, repressive, and disproportionate drug control policies and laws are counterproductive, while also violating human rights, undercutting public health, and wasting vital public resources. In its 2018 Annual Report, the International Narcotic Control Board (INCB) noted with serious concern that in several countries extrajudicial acts of violence endorsed by senior State officials, continue to be perpetrated against persons suspected of drug-related activities. The INCB reminded the concerned States of their obligations to respect the rule of law and due process when carrying out their obligations under drug conventions. OHCHR welcomes the Board’s these findings and recommendations. In her 6 March statement to the Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner for Human Rights stated, “People who have fallen into the trap of drug reliance need help to rebuild their lives; drug policies should not be more of a threat to their lives than the drugs they are abusing”. The High Commissioner emphasized that drug policy of a country that lack of respect for the rule of law and international human rights standards should not be considered a model by other country. Dear Chairperson, Well-designed drug policy interventions, consistent with human rights norms and principles, can address the vulnerability of people or communities affected by the drug problem, including people who use drugs.  However, if drug policies are not based on human rights standards and solid evidence then they can have a counterproductive effect on development. The cross-cutting approach of UNGASS 2016 constitutes a new and better linkage of the objective of drug-control – protection of the health and welfare of humanity – with the key priorities of the UN system, including human rights, peace and security and the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is putting people, health and human rights at the centre of sustainable development.  Drug policy is intertwined with sustainable development. The implementation of the SDGs should help to shape the nature and dynamic of responses to the drug problem- that are consistent with human rights. Distinguished delegates, In September 2018, OHCHR submitted a report on the implementation of the UNGASS 2016 joint commitments of States to effectively address and counter the world drug problem from human rights perspectives. OHCHR has also shared the report with this Commission. Some of the recommendations of the report are as follows: ¬ People who use drugs should be treated with dignity and humanity in treatment centres. Harm reduction and evidence-based treatment should be available. Treatment should take place on a voluntary basis with informed consent. Treatment centres should be rigorously and independently monitored for human rights compliance and allegations of ill treatment should be properly investigated. ¬ A major obstacle to accessibility of  health care  and treatment is the criminalization of personal use and possession of drugs. Laws that criminalize or prohibit personal drug use or the possession of drugs for personal use should be reviewed and repealed. Mandatory minimum sentences for drug-related offences should be replaced by sentencing guidelines that are proportionate. It should give flexibility to judges to consider on alternative and non-custodial measures, and mitigating factors in sentencing. The death penalty should be abolished for all crimes, including for drug offences. ¬ States’ drug policies should address the specific needs of women, children and youth, and members of groups in a situation of vulnerability such as minorities, including people of the African descent , indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons. Civil society organizations and affected communities should be included in the development, implementation and monitoring of drug control laws and policies. Dear Chair, In concluding, I would like to highlight that United Nations human rights mechanisms, including human rights treaty bodies and special procedures and the UPR mechanisms of the Human Rights Council, regularly address human rights issues related to drug control efforts. Indeed, OHCHR’s report discussed recommendations made by these mechanisms. OHCHR encourages States- and other actors involved in addressing the world drug problem, such as this Commission and the International Narcotics Control Board- to consider the findings, views and recommendations of United Nations human rights mechanisms, and encourage States to fully implement those recommendations. OHCHR stands ready to support States and other stakeholders, including civil society organisations, in promoting and protecting human rights while addressing drug problems, and in implementing human rights commitments included in Chapter 4 of the UNGASS Outcome Document 2016.

UNAIDS: Thank you Madam Chair, Excellencies, members of Civil Society Organisations, UN Colleagues I am honoured to deliver this statement on behalf of UNAIDS at the ministerial segment of the sixty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs. UNAIDS unites 11 United Nations organizations—including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the World Health Organization—for a coordinated Fast-Track global response to HIV. Our vision, endorsed by United Nations Member States and reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, is to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Key to reaching that goal in the context of people who use drugs are: • Ending the criminalization of drug use and drug possession for personal use. • Making harm reduction programmes accessible to all people who use drugs. UNAIDS has been at the forefront of the response to HIV for more than two decades. However, the call in the Sustainable Development Goals to end the AIDS epidemic once and for all by 2030 requires a renewed sense of urgency. We have a vision of zero new HIV infections, zero AIDS-related deaths and zero stigma and discrimination. In the preamble of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, all United Nations Member States pledged to leave no one behind. On 13 March 2019, UNAIDS released its new report, Health, rights and drugs: harm reduction, decriminalization and zero discrimination for people who use drugs. The data in the report clearly demonstrate that people who use drugs are being left behind in the AIDS response: • New HIV infections among adults worldwide declined by 14% between 2011 and 2017, but there has been no decrease in the annual number of new HIV infections among people who inject drugs. • Countless lives of people who use drugs have been lost to violence and overdose. Rates of viral hepatitis and tuberculosis among people who use drugs remain high. • People who use drugs lack access to health care, harm reduction and legal services because of stigma and discrimination. We know what works—there is compelling and comprehensive evidence that harm reduction improves the health of people who inject drugs. It is safe and cost-effective. When comprehensive harm reduction services—including needle–syringe programmes, drug dependence treatment, overdose prevention with naloxone, and testing and treatment for HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis B and C—are made available to people who use drugs, their health and well-being are ensured. A punitive approach to drugs has caused untold harm to people who use drugs and their families. And it has brought about wider human, economic and environmental costs. Even where services for people who use drugs are available, criminalization of drug use discourages their uptake—where drug use and possession for personal use have been decriminalized, people take up health and harm reduction services. And women are disproportionately affected by the criminalization of drugs, with higher rates of conviction and incarceration for drug-related offences than men. People who use drugs need support, not incarceration. As a new chapter in the response to the world drug problem begins, UNAIDS calls on countries to rapidly transform their commitments made at the 2016 United Nations High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS and the 2016 United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem into laws, policies, services and support that allow people who use drugs to live healthy and dignified lives. UNAIDS encourages and supports countries to respect the health, human rights and dignity of all people who use drugs, to end criminalization of drug use and possession for personal use and to implement and fully fund harm reduction programmes. UNAIDS call for building partnerships with civil society—in particular the community of people who use drugs—in order to plan, implement and evaluate policies on HIV and drugs. All this requires determined and dedicated political will. But we cannot end the AIDS epidemic if we continue to leave people who use drugs behind.

WHO: (…)

African Union:  Let me begin by congratulating Ambassador Mirghani Abbaker Altayeb Bakhit, on his election as Chair of the 62nd session of the CND. I am representing the African Union as Commissioner for Social Affairs under whose purview drug control falls. Chairperson, as we consider progress against the goals and recommendations set out in the 2009 political declaration and the UNGASS outcome document, allow me to reflect on progress by the African Union. I can assure you that the policy organs of the AU have indeed been proactive and forward looking in the area of drug control. The African Union Commission is responsible for formulating strategic continental policies and frameworks; coordinating and monitoring policy implementation at Member State level; as well as leveraging technical assistance to Member States. The African Union has been promoting a balanced and integrated approach to drug control through its strategic frameworks. In 2012 the African Union adopted the AU Plan of Action on Drug Control for the period 2013 to 2018, based on the 2009 UN Political Declaration and Plan of Action and its balanced and integrated approach between supply reduction, demand reduction, harm reduction and international cooperation. Later this year, we hope to approve a new Plan of Action for Union Member States. Another 10 national surveillance systems will be established this year.  Production of Africa’s first consolidated drug use surveillance report. In prevention and treatment:  The rolling out of Regional Masters’ training on Drug Demand Reduction using the Universal Treatment Curriculum for substance use disorders.  Production of the African Union’s first Compendium of Best Practices in the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders, and the  Implementation of the African Union Continental Minimum Quality Standards for Drug Treatment (2012). As far as availability of and access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes is concerned, African Union Member States have been implementing the Common African Position on Controlled Substances and Access to Pain Management Medication (2012). With regards to drug supply reduction, the African Union continues to collaborate with international partners to establish regional organised crime observatories in Africa as well as the African Organized Crime Index to combat Transnational Organized Crime. The African Union has also continued to strengthen strategic and multi-lateral partnerships at continental, regional and international level. UNGASS 2016 recommendations on cross-cutting issues have been incorporated in the revised continental framework on drug control for period 2019-2023. Ladies and Gentlemen In line with the Common African Position submitted for the UNGASS, the African Union continues to advocate for evidence-based responses to the health and social harms related to drugs. Respect for human rights, including the rights of people who use drugs, is at the centre of such initiatives. Finally, I wish to underline the importance of a regional approach. In the case of the African Union, you can imagine that 55 countries are at different stages of developing their national drug strategies and legislation. You will also appreciate that Member States think differently about drugs. The advantage of the AU meetings is that the different approaches can be openly discussed. As encapsulated in Africa’s blue print for social and economic transformation over the next 50 years “Agenda 2063” which espouses the Africa we want, the African Union is committed to prioritizing sustainable development efforts by addressing pervasive poverty, social exclusion and discrimination and thereby providing enabling conditions for gaining licit and sustainable livelihoods. We take note of the disproportionate impact of the world drug problem in less developed and developing countries where it has undermined sustainable development, rule of law and governance, public health and peace and security. We reiterate that the Commission’s work should complement efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals.

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