Home » Plenary – Agenda item 3: General Debate (continued)

Plenary – Agenda item 3: General Debate (continued)

Chair: Because of technical difficulties, we will not start with the Global Fund, so we will start with speakers left from yesterday. Please, limit your statements to 3 minutes.

Kazakhstan: CND offers a unique platform to share information and strengthen cooperation. Weve all seen negative trends. This requires continued improvement and focused efforts. Important to use the potential offered by UNODC to exchange in cooperation and solutions. Our domestic policy is in line with UN documents, upholding the principles of this organisation and its interests. We have collaborated with the UNODC Office in Central Asia. We have side events on drug addiction and trafficking, and are an opportunity to build cooperation with countries in the region. Like other countries of the Northern Route, we face specific issues. We need to develop approaches to assess the size of the heroin trafficking in the Northern Route. We are working to improve our strategy and drugs policy, and harmonising our anti-drugs legislation. The measures help us deploy best practices to counter NPS and improve our ways of countering the drug trade. We are focused on countering internet trafficking and countering money laundering. Unwavering commitment to the provisions of the Conventions. We warn against haste in amending the Conventions. We look forward to working with international partners on this. Our country’s drug centre is carrying excellent work to counter the drugs trade. The member countries of CARIC are using the centre as a platform to address issues related to trafficking. We call from greater support from UNODC. We hope that financial challenges will be settled in the near future.

Cyprus: We fully align ourselves with the statement by the EU. COVID-19 has impacted our society affecting many aspects of our lives. Exacerbating the drugs situation. We welcome the analysis of the INCB 20202 Annual Report on the impact of the pandemic on access to treatment, controlled medicines and the market. Significant tool in our efforts to counter all aspects of drug problem. We reaffirm our commitment to implementing UNGASS Outcome Document to obtain measurable progress by 2030. Efforts should be invested in all areas. Adequate, proportionate responses to drug offences in full respect of the Conventions. Cyprus pursues an evidence-based approach, focusing on the individual without forgetting society. Supply and demand reduction, and measures to reduce harmful consequences of drug use. Priorities: protecting children and young people from addiction, early intervention programmes, enabling access to treatment and support services, needs of specific vulnerable groups, gender perspective, reducing stigma on people with history of adduction and their families and international cooperation. We adopted legislation for referral to treatment rather than sentencing. Residential treatment centres for adolescent have also been put in place.

Tajikistan: Tajikistan is a natural partner of states against terrorism, drug and arms trafficking, cybercrime and all transnational crime. We attach high priority of strengthening border control and take measures to prevent trafficking and other transnational crimes. Our Strategy and programmes have achieved positive results in fighting illicit trafficking including: only 10% drugs from Afghanistan exported through northern route, the bulk seized at the border. Drug addict number has fallen. Highlight efforts of UNODC in the fight against abuse and for prevention. Alarming problem: NPS spreading, especially through youth. New ways of selling, including online, complicate our work. This requires concerted action. WE call on UNODC and all countries to work to that end. We will continue working to cooperate to end smuggling and protect humanity from this scourge. Our coordinated joint efforts can add impetus to countering the drug threat. Sincere gratitude to partner states and UNODC, for their continued support.

Finland: Fully aligns with EU statement. Pandemic has had huge impact. Underlined cooperation is fundamental to solve multifaceted problems. Civil society, NGOs volunteers and people who use drugs is vital for innovative solutions. Different actors working closer together during COVID; we hope this continues. We need drug policy coordination and cooperation between law enforcement and health and social. Harm reduction cannot be possible without participation of all actors. Pandemic shows gaps of our system. Tackle marginalization and stigmatisation. Human rights of all vulnerable groups taken into account. All policies should be implemented comprehensively whilst respecting human rights. We align ourselves with advocates for the abolition of death penalty and extrajudicial sanctions of any nature. Human rights are at the core of UN work. UNODC work is unique in supporting a safe society founded in the rule of law. Finland as a country that promotes human rights for decades is seeking membership of HRC 2022-2024. The pandemic has underlined the promotion of participatory and inclusive politics contributing to public health should be at the core of implementation.

Netherlands: Fully aligns with EU statement. A year into the covid crisis, countries in the world facing pressures on health and social services and law enforcement. Impact on wellbeing of people who use drugs. Innovative approaches needed in drug prevention, treatment, and harm reduction services. Despite travel limitations and lockdowns, trafficking continues. As to health, during lockdown we kept our drug checking services open under restricted conditions, providing data on developments. We intensified monitoring activities to provide data on the state of markets. Civil society key in ensuring harm reduction services and engagement with those otherwise hard to reach. Importance of decriminalising drug use to break down barriers in access to care and to build strong ties with civil society. Importance of society being wholly involved in countering crime. International cooperation fundamental in transnational crime to maintain rule of law in all countries of the world. Particular importance in the post-COVID-19 world. 60th & 50th anniversary of the Single Convention of 1961 and the 1971 convention underscores currency of these instruments. Effective if implemented, with due attention to UNGASS 2016 Outcome Document and 2019 Ministerial Statemen. Support for UN System Common Position and strong role of its task team. All member states to seek mutual understanding to move balanced and people centred approach.

Sudan: Align ourselves with the statements by Group of the 67 and China, and Africa Group. We acknowledge the importance of UNODC as the lead agency in addressing the world drug problem. We work with INCB and WHO in implementing the relevant international conventions. We’ve made great efforts to combat the illicit cannabis crops in the Southwestern region of Darfur. We have succeeded in controlling 13,000 sq. km of land, eliminating 350tons of cannabis. We have prevented traffickers from forcing farmers to cultivate illicit crops. Likewise, heavily engaged in substitute programmes, alternative development programmes to combat illicit cultivation. We seized large quantities of tramadol in 2018-2020; more than 12 million tablets. Through container control measures, also seized large quantities of drugs. Sudan is located in the transit route for heroin trafficking. Ships of the Red Sea are used to smuggle heroin, and transport onwards to fishing vessels involved in smuggling. 14 million captagon tablets destined to markets in large cities and population centres. The use of drugs is prevalent among young people. Very focused on an integrated approach to reduce supply and demand, and prevention programmes, outreach for teachers and educational institutions in deprived areas. We have noted the vulnerable situation of young people in relation to cannabis; which is a problem because Sudan is a producing country. The national medication centre has put in place measures to control the supply of these substances and raise awareness. We have pioneered experiences with civil society since 1960 – National Commission with civil society, to implement Art. 9 of our anti drugs law of 1994. We hope to receive capacity building support, logistics and scientific support, particular in times of COVID.

Ecuador: Ecuador is firmly committed to fighting the drug problem. We have adopted public policies to tackle the challenge of drugs. In health and security. We work in coordination with all actors in country, public and private institutions to civil society. We implement a National Comprehensive Drug Control Plan from 2017-2021 based on two priorities: supply and demand reduction; implementing strategies and actions to allow us to take a structured approach to address this issue. Work within an interagency committee for drug prevention, which has given a broad and cooperative vision targeting research, preventative action, judicial support, prosecuting drug trafficking and related crimes. We are fully committed to international commitments to information on drug crimes and related crimes. Also, in cooperation for judicial investigation with other countries. We do face a critical situation because of our location, dealing with illicit cultivation. My country has made great efforts to cooperate in the fight against this phenomenon. Importance of a social approach for the welfare of the people affected by these activities. Specialised treatment centres for people with drug use, alcohol use problems. Committed to ensuring the clinical conditions are met and the community is supported. The Crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused has highlighted that the drug problem must be approached jointly. We take this opportunity to reiterate our interest in strengthening international cooperation and mobilise greater resources for technical assistance and capacity building.

Egypt: Align ourselves with the statements by Group of the 67 and China, and Africa Group. We have great challenges and hopes in relation to the COVID-19 situation. The situation deteriorating when it comes to drug crime against the pandemic backdrop. Transnational groups are becoming networked, preying on unstable countries, and using them as fertile ground for the production, cultivation and manufacturing of drugs and then onwards smuggling and trafficking. International community must act in solidarity to counter the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on this, shouldering our common and shared responsibility to undertake measures to combat the nonmedical use of drugs, and step up efforts to address young people and adolescents. To that end, exchange experiences and practices. Minister of Interior: national and integrated strategy with two main thrusts: Supply and demand reduction, bringing in law enforcement and anti-drugs police forces, to eradicate centres of crime, and address it electronically too. 2020, we seized many kilograms of hashish, many of heroin, 4kg of cocaine and 259kg of opium, 13million of tramadol pills, and captagon pills. We have set up specialised services units to help drug users and provide them with treatment. We put in place 8-week programme for rehabilitation. Set up an outreach YouTube channel for information for drug users. Foundation to treat drug users. Initiatives and campaigns to provide psychological assistance to drug users and persons who use drugs to comply with confinement. Nonmedical use of tramadol is a huge issue for Egypt and the region. We voted on the cannabis recommendations by WHO last December (…) we need to have legislation on tramadol use in Africa to prevent its illicit use.

Global Fund: Thanks to UNODC’s Executive Director for the invitation to this meeting. First time that the ED of the Global Fund addresses this important meeting. We are involved in this arena because of health. We are the largest multilateral funder of programmes to combat HIV, TB and malaria. Which until the COVID-19 emergence were the biggest infections killers. Before COVID-19, we were already acutely aware of the links between policies on drugs, including criminalisation, and their impact on HIV and TB infection rates. Criminalisation restricts access of services, leads people who use drugs disproportionately affected by HIV and TB, into and by extension increases the vulnerability of those who live with them. The pandemic has intensified these connections. The Global Fund is deeply involved in the response to the COVID-19. Ex. COVID-19 funding mechanism for non-vaccine related aspects of response. Very simple messages: 1) Overreliance on criminalisation and incarceration in the efforts to combat narcotic use contribute to the spread of the deadliest infections diseases. We are seeing COVID-19 infection rates in prisons across the world, of at least 4x that of the general population. Clusters of COVID infections, we know they will spread. Decriminalisation reduces concentration in prisons and improves access to treatment services; so, from a public health point of view, unquestionable. Applaud 109 countries who have taken prison decongestion measures, releasing those involved in drug infractions to decongest. Highly crowded prisons are incredibly effective transmission places to COVID-19. I’d like to commend many countries, including Morocco an Bangladesh, taken measures to continuation of harm reduction services through take-home doses, which hasn’t led to overuse. And emphasise the importance of looking at your discussions through a health lens. Importance of COVID-19 and then HIV and TB. Need to take action together to respond to the legal and policy issues of narcotics, but also address underlying health issues. Thank you. Global Fund is committed to work with you to eliminate the three diseases that are affecting these populations: HIV; TB and COVID-19. And that will not stay with these populations. These clusters, if allowed to, will impact them and those around them.

India: I appreciate the zeal of all member state participating here to discuss world drug problem. Recent World Drug Report has brought focus to the complex challenges associated with drugs, including economic downturn of COVID-19, which leads to increased push for drug use. Important for more responses anchored in prevention and treatment. We launched ‘Drug free India campaign’, in areas most vulnerable to substance abuse. Three-pronged approach: demand reduction, supply reduction and (…). During COVID-19 lockdowns, facilitate trade of drugs we reacted to situation providing relaxation to manufacturers, traders, importers and exporters. During the pandemic we have noted spike of drug trafficking through courier services, based on darknet and the internet. This has led to increased seizures, including of tramadol and methamphetamine. Despite pandemic challenges, our authorities have surpassed seizures of last year. Reiterate India’s strong commitment against menace of drugs and hope the session and outcome will add momentum to regional, national and international action.

Nepal: technical issues

Pakistan: technical issues

Bangladesh: Fully aligned with Asia Pacific group statements. As a state party, fully committed to 1961 and 1972. General challenges in 2014 ministerial, 2016 ungass, 2019 ministerial, aligned its commitments with agenda 2030 and SDGs, new narcotics control act in 2019. Underlying importance of regional and international cooperation. I’d like to express concern that hosting 1,1 million rohingyas hosted, challenges of law enforcement to counter methampethamine coming from Myanmar. [connection issues]

Nepal: Congratulations Madam Chair. Aligned with 77 and China and Asia Pacific Group. Drug problems are common in world community. COVID made a huge impact. Thank UNODC for World Drug Report. As in the report, created drug problems when our health and social systems have become vulnerable. Situation is challenging. Reduce the impact of drug use and the effect of the pandemic. Nepal in line with conventions enacted national legislations. Drug Act 1970, Nepal is fully committed to 2019 Political decl and UNGASS 2016. Joins intl community in combating the world drug problem and minimizing effects of covid-19. Efforts to enhance international cooperation. Nepal addres

El Salvador: As well as fighting drug use we must fight the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately we’re coming together to tackle it. Obligation that health, economic wellbeing and justice are enjoyed by our citizens. Drug control treaties are essential. The government of our president is implementing prevention treatment and care services, addressing various approaches to ensure better wellbeing. Capacitybuilding for health care workers, first residential treatment center. Insititutional capacity. Aircop and control containers, making firm stepts to control the drug problems. We are a country of transit of trafficking routes and we need intl cooperation to help us tackle. Thank the EU and other friendly countries for support provided. Alone we are nothing. Together we are truly strong. Wish you all a good day.

Pakistan: Alinged with G77 and China and Asia Pacific group. Demand reduction, availability of drugs for scientific and medical purposes. Took appropriate mitigating measures. Reiterate strong political will to act on eliminating the menace of narcotic drugs. International cooperation is the cornerstone of fight against illicit drugs. Pakistan is among the countries making very effective contributions. Counternarcs are not only yielding results domestically but are by all relevant international parties. Pakistan will continue these efforts. Transfomed itself from poppy producing to a poppy-free country in 2001 and maintains that.Transit country for opioids, increased the drug use of our masses and cousing problems for our society. Large influx of opioid increasing problems every day, not only for us but all our problems. Leaving no stones unturned to protect our society and the rest of the world. All appropriate measures taken = legislation, intelligence task force on counter narcotics, precursor control regime. Undertaken with regional partners had very significant result. Unprecedented domestic seizure of drugs and precursors in 2019. Counterintelligence operations with partners countries, more than 20 rate of conviction. Focused demand reduction matters but particular focus on spread in educational institutions. Enhancing technical capacity building. Reiteration to counter the threat of narcotics and engaging to eliminate drugs from our societies.

Chair: Collegues please keep 3 minutes we agreed to. We are losing two hours of our meeting every day.

Costa Rica:  Aligned with G77 and China. Great strength of human race, avid defender of multilateralism. After so many years, the implementation is still facing challanes. It’s a cross-cutting manner, requires comprehensive approach related to broader UN mandate incl criminal justice, crime prevention, health, human rights. This led us to decrim, gender sensitivity, proportionate sentencing, allowing an approach where civil society works with government to ensure better development opportunities for our citizens.

Kyrgyzstan: Last year as member of CND, has been member twice, played significant role. Continue to reject any relaxation without scientific evidence and efforts to legalize non-medical use of cannabis, any initiatives that undermine coherence of regime. Monitoring of highly concerning NPS, issue alerts where evidence is available they pose a threat to human safety. Situatio complicated by the pandemic. Special responsibility to uphol. Welcome joint statement on effects of COVID-19.

Mexico: Improving drug policies, identifying new trends is a propriety. Prejudice and stigmatization hinder access t treatments that respect health. Place individuals and their development, not substances at the center of drug policies. More social justice and development. Include gender perspective. Public health to make a distinction between various drugs and their effects and forms of use. Second, reducing social harm, criminalization must be prevented. Third, cooperation and intelligence to counter criminal organizations. Joint and shared responsibilities is helping. We need a regional view of the market and work with partners while respecting sovereignty. Take account of 2030 agenda. An approach that’s n ot just empty laws but comprehensive and contributes to reducing violence and promoting health.

Bolivia: Our model for nationalizing the and social approach to coca leaf control. Under Morales, we inherited a repressive model not accounting for traditional and cultural uses of coca leaves. The policy was focused on stamping out coca producers and not drug traffickers. We saw strong interference in the domestic policies of our state, when we came to power we designed a national policy. We had a reservation to legalize coca leaves for cultural and identity reasons. Adopted national law on coca leaves based on social control, dialogue, cooperation and involving communities. This approach ensures social peace in coca producing regions. Previously, we made up 20% of prpduction in Andes region, today 11% showing the success. Trafficking exists because of the demand in countries that are drug consumer countries. Inform the international community of the effects of coup d-etat in 2019 and the effects it had. Since November 2019, the de-fato government criminalized coca farmers, cutting off fuel, closing roads and other services including community radio essential to provide information on COVID-19. We have now resumed our policy of consultation. We can not have zero coca production  because tere is traditional use to consider. Added regionalization measure – we have countries working together, spearheaded by Bolivia. Managed to capture fugitives wanted by INTERPOL. Social control, respect for human rights and development of coca has shown international respect.

Angola: Increase in families where young adults are suffering from depression and consumption of substances as a result of confinement. Services should be more stringent, such as supervision of ports and routes. We will make sure to reduce the risk, demand and supply. Ensure access to treatment and care services that are sustainable, whether public or private, with the involvement of primary and specialized health service. Especially women, children and young people’s health should be protected and promoted.

Georgia: Georgia aligns with the EU and Member States, full support on implementation of commitments. Reaffirm commitments to social dimensions. Georgia particularly focuses on regional and international cooperation and multi-agency approach to develop human-rights centered policies. National measures to prevent crime, provide adequate treatment. Recognize value of disseminating reliable data. Civil society and academia are important partners in designing policies.

Sri Lanka: The President of Sri Lanka recognizes the importance of a country free of drugs. Placing high importance on social reintegration and rehabilitation, especially for youth. The governme t continues to monitor complexity of market and to amend laws to control as best as they can. Launched vocational training programs. Come together to create a world free of drugs.

Zambia: Aligned with G77 and China and the African Group. Zambia stresses the Conventions remain the cornerstone of global drug policy. COVID changed the way we do things, made it very difficult to tackle to drug problem. Drug traffickers and other criminal elements figured out new ways to break the law, more support needed to tackle illicit trafficking. To achieve SDGs, promote justice. Zambia remains committed to implementing 2019 Ministerial Declaration through strengthening international cooperation.

Armenia: Regardless of challenges of COVID-19, Armenia is committed to implementation. Comprehensive national strategy combating drug addiction and trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. Improving our legislative framework and increasing compliance. Awareness raising campaigns, especially for younger generation. Given the tendency that our region is a trafficking route by criminal groups, we will take measures with our international partners.

Kenya: Aligned with African Group. Concerned of socio-economic and health consequences of world drug problem. Conventions proved to be relevant, flexible and resilient to help member states keep up with trends. No amending of sections to suit individual state interests. Cannabis and cannabis-related substances as last year caused fiery debate. International control of cannabis has been removed and an be accessed for recreational. Affected people’s perception of the risks of cannabis. Kenya put in place multi-pronged strategy for balanced and human-centered approach with an aim to reduce supply. Trafficking networks continue to be innovative in their trade. My delegation is concerned by emergence of NPS, growing number of countries relaxing on cannabis for recreational purposes, number of persons affected by drug use and trade, use of internet for trafficking and the impact of COVID.

Jamaica: Let it be on record, thank you to Ambassador Ahmad Khan for leadership at 63rd Session during what had been a particularly challenging year. Pandemic disrupted global supply and impeded treatment services, exarcebated substance use and mental health challenges. Remains inequitable access to controlled substances, leaving the most vulnerable behind. There is an opportunity to dismantle inequity. Take stock and prioritize the review of current drug control architecture. Pandemic created socio-economic upheaval and leaving health systems. There is a need to give Member States greater flexibility to design policies that reflect national problems and priorities. Last year voted to remove Cannabis – major achievement for millions of persons in dire need of treatment. It was a long overdue recognition of medical and scientific value of cannabis.

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