Home » Plenary Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels (afternoon session)

Plenary Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels (afternoon session)

Chair: This morning, we have had the introductions. By the various offices of the UNODC Secretariat, but we have not yet had the occasion to give the floor to delegates and I will therefore now open the floor to delegates starting with China online.

China: Undoubtedly strict control of these substances will contribute to preserving life and health of vulnerable people in particular, young people who are those who are most exposed to new synthetic drugs, the circulation of which is largely facilitated through the internet. In order to fully meet the goal of the strict placement of precursors it’s important to strengthen the detective measures for such substances. As such, we wish to draw the Commission’s attention and the attention of member states who are responsible for the implementation of decisions adopted under the conventions regarding the difficulties that some states encounter in seeking to effectively detect new classified substances. As such it would be useful to consider further strengthening and updating of detection equipment among the less developed countries in order to ensure that they do not become the weak links in the global struggle against drugs. Further strengthening surveillance provisions related to drugs which requires the implementation of harmonized interconnected tools, as well as proactive exchange of information among our various countries is essential in order to ensure the effective implementation of the 1971 1961 conventions which are the cornerstones of World drugs regime.  Indeed, timely information allows for stronger coordination among states as well as an anticipation of criminal acts likely to be perpetrated by groups.

Singapore: Reaffirms our strong commitment to the three UN drug control conventions, and to the spirit and recommendations of the 2019 ministerial Declaration and the three mutually complementary and mutually reinforcing policy documents. The conventions and policy documents represent an established consensus and provide a framework for joint action. You must not undermine this framework that we have worked so hard to establish. Nonetheless, we understand that the challenges faced by each country is unique and it is important that every member state retain the right to exercise flexibility, and implemented drug control policies most suitable for the priorities, needs and societal norms as long as these policies are within the bounds of the established framework. Singapore believes that every person has the right to live, work and play in an environment free from the scourge of drugs. Our efforts are aimed at protecting this right and is underscored by our zero tolerance stance against drugs. To that end, we adopt a comprehensive harm prevention approach which seeks to proactively address the drug problem through three pillars. The first pillar is preventive drug education. We carry out extensive preventive education targeted and tailored for the intended audience. This is complemented with community driven advocacy to deter from use and minimize downstream consequences. The COVID 19 pandemic has reduced opportunities for physical interactions, but has also offered opportunities to innovate. We have since leverage on video conferencing for our outreach programs, as well as increase the online preventive content on social media platforms. Our second pillar is our robust enforcement which ties in with the commitment to reduce the supply of illicit drugs, have laws and robots enforcement unnecessary to keep our streets free from drugs and protect our society from the harms of drugs. our rehabilitation approach is focused on supporting drug users in their recovery and escape from their addictions and reintegrate as contributing members of society. To achieve this, we adopt a whole of society approach and work closely with community partners to provide skills training, job support and counseling. The success of our rehabilitation approach has been substantiated by the decrease in the recidivism rate for drug abusers with these from drug rehabilitation centers. has dropped from 67.4% for the 1996 release cohort to 24.5% for the 2019 release.   We will also continue to work with our regional and international partners to share best practices and provide technical assistance in the areas of tackling demand and reducing supply.

Japan: Japan endeavors to implement both supply and demand reduction measures in an effective comprehensive, scientific and evidence based manner in accordance with our national five year drug prevention strategy to address and counter emerging and persistent drug related challenges in our country. As for demand reduction measures, we have set ourselves two strategic goals targeting Drug Abuse Prevention and the prevention of recurrent abuse by improving the consciousness of the general public through awareness campaigns and promotion focused on young people and by providing drug users with appropriate treatment and support for social rehabilitation and we implement these measures in cooperation with relevant agencies. We believe it is crucial to pursue optimal national drug policies and strategies in accordance with the three international drug control conventions taking into account the unique circumstances of each nation rather than applying uniform standards and measures across the globe that may not be the most effective care.

Thailand: Drug trafficking is always one of the major global problems in Thailand. According to the latest National Risk Assessment, which is conducted in 2022. narcotic offers a the second highest rates it is evident that drug traffickers have often launder proceeds to value channels, such as front company, shops, luxury, business, and even the football club during COVID 19 pandemic. It is noted that the method of drug trafficking have changed from using curiers to continent shipping by hidden rocks inside products shipped to overseas.  Financial technologies of FinTech has been increasingly used to channel proceeds of crime as it is facilitated to move money around the world quickly. The anti money laundering office play a key role in financial investigations and also has authority to freeze and seize proceeds of crime related to predicate offense. Including but not limited to record corruptions human trafficking or terrorism financing. During the past few years, the financial intelligence lifted drug offense with international counterpart in more than 40 instances.

Kenya: We have been able to review our strategic direction and redefine the scope of drug control programs. As a country, our response to the world that problem is guided by the three international conventions on drug control. And in this connection, we have put in place an implementation framework that has adopted the whole government approach. This strategy brings together all relevant government agencies and other critical stakeholders, including the participation of civil society organizations. On Demand Reduction, Kenya is implementing interventions to ensure that no one is left behind in the provision of prevention, care and support services to all persons affected by drug abuse. We have rolled out prevention programs in communities aimed at educating the people on the dangers of drug abuse. Such programs include the lessons program in primary schools positive parenting, and the workplace prevention programs, as well as targeted mass media campaigns to ensure that dependent persons receive utmost care without discrimination or prejudice. We have also set up a model rehabilitation center at the coastal region that encompasses all aspects of drug prevention and treatment. In addition, we have established 11 medically assisted therapy clinics and methadone dispensing clinics distributed all over the country. With plans to scale up the program. UNODC has also helped us to implement three buprenorphine clinics. Kenya has majorly been a transit country arising from the current global trends in illicit trafficking and abuse. Kenya has since transformed from transit to destination, as some of the traffic substances are smuggled in to service the local markets. To effectively respond to this challenge. The government has put in place a robust framework that facilitates the effective implementation, or supply suppression initiatives.

Pakistan: Pakistan has adopted a policy of zero tolerance and as a strong resource against all manifestation of illicit drugs. Despite limited resources, technological and research gaps. Pakistan has been doing its best to fight the menace of illicit drugs. We do realize our role as one of the first line of defense against the opioids (?) and synthetic drugs being originating in our region and therefore would continue this effort with resilience to protect our own society as well as shield the rest of the world. From the devastating effects of illicit drugs. Pakistan has put in place a robust and comprehensive legal policy and administrative framework to fully implement their provisions and recommendations for countering the menace of illicit drugs. Our sustained endeavors against the menace of drugs undertaken in collaboration with our regional and international partners have played a very encouraging results. Some significant achievements by Pakistan in this regard includes but not limited to, registration of 163,000 drug related cases in 2020 21, resulting into arrests of 171,000. Individuals with recovery of about 761 tons of narcotic drugs and precursor chemicals.

Slovenia: We fully subscribe to the EU statement. My country is convinced we need a comprehensive and humane drug policy. We have been systematically developing our national policies and put great emphasize on public health and social welfare of all citizens. We think all decision should be evidence based and regularly review. We encourage the involvement of a wide range of stakeholder as inclusion is essential in successful implementation. In my country it is coordinated by a collection of ministries. We intend to prevent and help social groups that are experiencing vulnerabilities. Social protection programmers are equipped to serve the population and can in real-time response to the constantly changing needs of users. Further developments in this are needs regional and local accessibility of programs for people who use drugs. We plan to focus especially on the field of mental health and the increased needs of different vulnerable groups who are suffering in the aftermath of the pandemic. We believe the WDP can only be solved based on viable fgacts and a road dialogue among all stakeholders. We cannot pretend to live in a vacuum, we demand an instant halt to Russia´s aggression.

Algeria: Our ministries have been engaging in wide-ranging outpatient and residential services to prevent and treat drug abuse. Risk reduction among injecting drug users (…) We wish to convey our sincere gratitude to UNODC for their support of practical actions. We have two seminars scheduled in the upcoming weeks involving civil society to ensure access and better support for marginalized communities. The UNODC office in our country has supported our integrated prevention programmes – given the proven link between violent behavior and substance use, we think this is the way forward. Success will enable us to develop more activities based on best practices to prevent drug use and offer care for dependent individuals.

Spain: Spain stands in solidarity with Ukraine. We support the EU´s statement, stressing the need to give basic respect for PWUD and their human rights. We have been able to sustain care for PWUD during the difficult times of the pandemic. This group is particularly vulnerable in this crisis. We adapted a plan of action as an outcome of broad-ranging consultations and in line with the EU strategy – it is an evidence based program ensuring proportionality, gender-based equity, balanced approached to demand and supply reductoin. This enables Spain to fulfil its commitments from 2016 and 2019. Our strategies to tackle addiction has always systematically taken into account the need of the individual and with respect to international collaboration. With Latin American and Caribbean countries, we have been working bilaterally and engaged in Coppola, CADA. We engaged in EU and UNODC funded programmers that are aimed at progressing towards quality frameworks to provide care for PWUD. We are all responsible to work progressively together.

USA: We support the work of CND and its single track multi-year workplan with its balanced approach. In our 2019 declaration, we committed to intensify our actions to tackle precursors. Seeing the increase of production of fentanyl precursors, we applaud the decision to schedule these today. Uncontrolled chemical precursors need more attention – that is why we proposed our resolution. Private sector engagement is very important to us. We believe that INCB grids (and other programs) facilitate real-time cooperation worldwide. We support and utilize these platforms. Our treaty mandates are observed closely regarding sufficient access to medicines and scheduled substances for scientific reasons. We reiterate our call to INCB and WHO to support MS to follow suit. The challenges posed by synthetic drugs has been an urgent priority in the declaration and also for the USA. We are addressing public health risks: president Biden signed the American Rescue Plan to allow access to extended health services. We have worked to enhance the quality of treatment and designed online tools. Our new synthetic drugs strategy is based on the toolkit developed by UNODC, WHO and INCB, and we urge MS to use this as a valuable reference source. USA provided over 7 million I support to this important resource.

Russia: We continue to commit to our … under the 3 conventions. We think legalizing scheduled substances for recreational use is a wild breach. Our main provisions in the 2030 agenda includes the reduction of the use of drugs and developing a no tolerance stance to their distribution. We hope that in implementing this strategy we will bring about a drastic reduction in the use and abuse of drugs as well as criminal activities as a whole. We thank stakeholder, including civil society, in our pursuit. Russia has seen a decrease in the use of drugs in recent years. In 2021, the number of registered users was 14500. In 2017 there were over 550000, 64% of which were dependent on opioids. Nevertheless, during the pandemic, we see trends… we continue to work with our partners across the World. We are committed to SCO, CSTO, (…) and Assian. We are actively discussing further steps to prevent the trafficking of drugs and the new instruments used by traffickers. We noted an increase in opium seizures – of Afghan origin. We noted an increase in synthetic drug trafficking along the Russian – Ukrainian border that were produced in Kharkov and Sumi. Last year, we seized over a ton of illicit drugs. In 2020 less and in 2019 inly 31kg. Law enforcement and other competent authorities have noted the involvement of Ukrainians – Russian and foreign nationals committing crimes in Russia. Some special services are involved in underground Ukrainian laboratories. Reports show that drug dealers have been using Ukraine´s ministry of health´s facilities and are financed through loans provided by certain states. After the laxing of covid restrictions, we saw an increase in cocaine trafficked into Russia as well as hashish from the EU, using cars. We believe that cooperation among law enforcement authorities of various countries is key in addressing the WDP and making the World free of drugs. Some states see the war against drugs as having been lost and they are taking different approaches. We would like to note that with years long positive experiences in Russia, we are committed to implementing the conventions.

India: India, recognising the importance of demand reduction as a strategy to combat the world drug problem has taken action oriented and proactive steps in strengthening the response against substance use not just for those who are vulnerable, but aimed at the larger community as well. India In short, continued care by enhancing the coverage of counseling treatment and support interventions and making them accessible and available. Drug Free India campaign since its inception in 2020, has been instrumental in engaging with all relevant stakeholders through a host of interventions with a special focus on women, children and youth. The campaign is a three pronged attack on aspects of substance use, namely supply reduction, demand reduction and harm reduction. This campaign has provided all stakeholders and their efforts a common platform to work with Synergy. A strong force of 8000 plus field level volunteers with a passion to combat substance use have been driving the campaign at the grassroot level, with a resolve to reach out to individuals, families, communities and society at large. The interventions undertaken by these volunteers have led the community to acknowledge the substance use as a serious problem. And we instilled a sense of ownership in them, thereby shaping the campaign into a mass movement. realizing the importance of social media and technology as a powerful medium to influence to mainstream the dialogue and to reach out to target populations. several initiatives have been launched on these platforms. A mobile app used by the field level functionaries has been particularly successful in gaining deep insights into trends and patterns of local drug problems in order to design and implement targeted interventions.

Venezuela: Allow me under this agenda item to outline to you a number of national initiatives on addressing the various aspects of the world drug problem. recently established the National counter drug superintendent which is aimed at consolidating a national treatment for prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration of users of psychotropic substances and narcotic drugs. Embedded in the social process based on State family society in order to promote the comprehensive development of human individual and values. ‘Music spreads values for life’ which is being developed jointly with the national system of juvenile youth orchestras and choirs, which is a partnership, further strengthening values for boys, girls, adolescents and youth participating in the system. Moreover, the incorporation of a strategy for the prevention of drug abuse as part of the pedagogical didactic guide for primary school teachers, school observatories are equally a preventative strategy that guarantees the inclusion of 60 boys and girls between the ages of nine and 11 for each primary school, which has a multiplying effect in helping prevent drug use and abuse. Here I would like to single out the following three initiatives when it comes to sustainable development goals. 3.5. Turning to the shared vision set forth between SDGs 3.5 and 11.7. Here controls have been stepped up in order to detect drugs sale and distribution activities increasing therefore the number of seizures which were ready for retail even despite the global tendency for the increased use of drugs and the increased presence of new psychoactive substances as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic. Under SDG 16 point 10. We have established the Center for Strategic Analysis, which provides a forum for the global regional and national scientific study of the world drugs problem. And finally, under SDG 16 we have spent months working together with national entities that are involved with the postal services, equally working together with entities responsible for the regulation of aeronautics activities, as well as the Bolivarian national armed forces and telecommunications entities in order to optimize the development of actions geared towards strengthening the role played by these national services to tackle this issue, as well as launching operations for the introduction of drugs and strengthening exchange of information.

Chair: Welcome back.

EU: to be added

Indonesia: In line with the 2009 and 2019 declarations, we utilize a multi-prong approach involving multiple agencies. We implemented the families united program to aid at-risk families. It has been promoted by local schools. Our food and drug administration has been supervising (…) On the regional and multi-lateral level, we work proudly with countries and international organizations. We are developing a system to counter narcotic cybercrime. We have implemented AD programs in urban and rural areas as well as areas with high concentration of cannabis and kratom. Our ministry of health has formulated guidance and conducted technical measures that is in line with WHO´s guidelines on Harm Reduction.

Canada: Thank you, Mister Chair, Earlier this week, Canada shared with Member States our priority to support drug policy efforts that promote a comprehensive, balanced, and evidence-based public health approach grounded in respect for human rights. Today, I would like to discuss Canada’s actions and approaches to address some of the challenges related to the last thematic session held in connection with the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. In particular, the growing links between drug trafficking, corruption, and other forms of organized crime; the criminal use of information and communication technologies for illegal drug-related activities, which is on the rise. Regarding the link between drug trafficking, corruption, and other forms of organized crime, the Government of Canada recognizes that the criminal threat landscape is sophisticated, borderless, and constantly evolving as organized crime groups and criminal entrepreneurs develop new ways to commit old crimes. These groups are highly flexible and adaptable, and increasingly involved in multiple forms of criminality simultaneously to increase their profit potential, including drug trafficking, trafficking in persons and firearms, cybercrime, money laundering, and corruption. Criminal activity can also be used to fund threats to national security, such as terrorism. The transnational nature of modern criminal networks and their techniques heightens the complexity of addressing these threats, highlighting the need for cooperation across municipal, provincial, federal, and international jurisdictions. In doing so, government-led initiatives can more effectively detect, disrupt, and prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and combat the crimes and threats they enable; specifically, FINTRAC’s financial intelligence is used in a wide variety of money laundering investigations where the origins of the suspected criminal proceeds are linked to drug trafficking, corruption, fraud, tax evasion, and other criminal offences. While recognizing that information and communication technologies are used to develop innovative demand reduction services, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of Canada also recognizes the need to address the criminal misuse of such technologies for illegal drug-related activities. Our enforcement and intelligence agencies have noted that organized crime groups are continually evolving their methods to bypass law enforcement detection, such as using encrypted communications. In recent years, many organized crime groups involved in the illegal drug trade have shifted their operations to the surface and dark web through the exploitation of postal and courier services. This development is due in part to the anonymity and relative security of cyberspace, as well as access to a global customer base. Staying abreast of these technologies and circumventing the digital barriers associated with them when investigating major crimes, including illegal drug-related activities, remains an ongoing challenge for our law enforcement agencies and the Government of Canada as a whole. In closing, we will continue to address the challenges posed by organized crime groups, as outlined in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, while upholding a human rights approach. We will seek to work closely with the Commission, our international partners, frontline law enforcement and intelligence agencies, as well as civil society, and people with lived and living experience of drug use, who are essential stakeholders to help guide our approaches. Our close collaboration with all these stakeholders ensures we are doing our utmost to address these issues and advance solutions to help people in our respective countries. Thank you.

Mexico: (technical issues) despite the adverse situation of the pandemic, we identified a series of substances that needed to be included in the precursor list (…) these 83 substances are identified by UN conventions (…) that are being diverted. They are commonly used in various branches of our economy, so a decision was made that we set up a “watchlist” in May last year. Therefore, 69 substances are very closely monitored and evaluated with many stakeholders involved. So, our strategy is to first observe, discuss and then take action. This is a good example for information collection and sharing so we would be opened to start a dialogue on this with any MS that would like to learn more and we would also like CND to provide us space to share our experiences from this initiative.

Australia: During the Ministerial Segment, progress was evident while gaps and challenges have also been identified. We know that these have been compounded as a result of the pandemic. We have and keep raising with concern that covid and other humanitarian situations disproportionately affect the most marginalized of our communities, so we encourage this perspective to be in focus in our responses. These challenges presented opportunities for developing alternative approaches. Our response has been driven by the 3 pillars of our national strategy: demand, supply and harm reduction. We encourage the continued utilization of CND for information and best practice exchange with the involvement of relevant stakeholders including academia and civil society and relevant UN agencies.

SlumChild Foundation: tba

SSDP: Thank you, Mr Chair. I speak here today as a representative for Students for Sensible Drug Policy, a grassroots network with chapters in over 30 countries across the world. I am also here as a member of Paradigma, a global coalition of youth-led organizations that works to uplift the voices of young people at the United Nations. In the UNGASS 2016 Outcome Document, the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and Resolution 63/4, the international community has made key commitments to ensure active and meaningful participation of youth and youth-related organizations in the development, implementation and evaluation of drug policies and programs. We would especially like to commend UNODC for its efforts with the Youth Forum and the Listen First Program. But as we have previously highlighted in this space and others, multiple country delegations and civil society organizations have unsuccessfully attempted to gain clarity on the function, selection process and methodology of the Youth Forum, which we find concerning. We ask the UNODC to publicly outline the methods in which it engages young people and youth-related organizations in the development and implementation of drug policies and programs, particularly in relation to the Youth Forum. Alongside this, we ask UNODC to allow youth organizations to engage with the Youth Forum, and facilitate this process. Similarly, we ask that the Youth Forum and its representatives are provided with the opportunity to engage with the proceedings of the CND, through observing the CoW and speaking at the plenary to provide contributions to various agenda items. While we are happy to see youth welfare featuring so prominently in resolutions and the speeches of member states , we stress the need for active youth participation and input in the development of policies that directly affect them. We urge member states to ensure that all policies and programs are developed in consultation with youth and youth-led organizations, both nationally and here at the CND. We also ask member states to lead by example, actively including youth representatives in their delegations and all other drug policy development fora. It is in this way that we, as an international community, can truly pride ourselves with the efforts made to maxime youth welfare, with and alongside the young people that hold our future. The challenges we collectively face today in the drug policy realm cannot be addressed in an effective and sustainable way without bringing youth to the forefront of international and national policy making mechanisms. We cannot create a better, safer society for young people whilst leaving their voices behind.  And for this reason, we also urge the international community to look closely at the situation in Ukraine and take all the necessary measures to safeguard the children and adolescents, particularly those who use drugs or are directly affected by drugs, that have now suffered due to an unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Thank you.

International Harm Reduction Association: We condemn the use of the death penalty, especially for drug offenses. The use of the death penalty for drug users is rapidly increasing, but we think we only know the tip of the iceberg. This is against international standards. We welcome positive developments in some countries and encourage member states to continue to stand against the death penalty. We stand in solidarity with Ukraine.

Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales Asociación Civil: There has been progress in the documentation of human rights issues, including in Latin America. I am adding policy brutality and systemic racism to the agenda. Research has shown that people of African decent face these issues more around the world, especially in regards to drug crimes. These topics has been previously understudied. We need to systematically incorporate these aspects into international drug monitoring. I encourage ways to stop structural racism.

Conectas Direitos Humanos: tba

International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care: Without access to pain medication, I have faced situations where patients are in great pain. Their relatives have had to watch their loved ones in pain. Healthcare workers are faced with issues of not knowing how to help or what to do without access to pain medications. Not only do we need to improve access to pain meds, but we must also increase the knowledge of healthcare workers about these medications. By improving access to medications and trainings, we can improve the life of palliative care patients. Policymakers must be oriented on rational use of medications.

DRCNet Foundation Inc: Following Russian invasion of Crimea, many people no longer had access to needed medications. Similar situations are now occurring in Ukraine. In partnership with other member states, we will be submitting evidence of the blocking of methadone by Russia to the international court, along with other human rights violations in the name of the global drug problem. We hope we can provide a new perspective to governments with our reports. NGOs at this time are facing difficulty getting diplomatic status in humanitarian emergencies. Our applications are getting derailed.

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