South Africa associates itself with the statement by the G77 and China group. We are faced with the responsibility of exchanging views on the world drug problem at the UNGASS to be held in 2016. It will provide the international community with the unique opportunity to review the achievements and challenges framed within the 2009 …
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UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Tunisia
Drugs are a scourge that affect our young people. I would like to thank the chair of the CND and wish him every success as I’m sure this will be a turning point in international cooperation against drug trafficking. I express gratitude to the director of the UNODC and the chair of the INCB for …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by Indonesia
Associate itself with the statement of G 77 and China, and the Asia group. Indonesia knows that the various illegal drug activities are still rampant. This is burdensome not only to the state, but also to the people individually and collectively. The widest measures of international cooperation are necessary. While much progress has been made, …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by The Netherlands
The Netherlands associates itself with the EU statement. The UNGASS preparations put a spotlight on the successes and failures of drug policy around the world. The UN drug control system is based on conventions. However, in different countries there are concerns on interpretation of these conventions and their flexibility. There are issues concerning the access …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Peru
I would ask delegations to refer to the statement we circulate after as I will be giving a shortened statement. Last year at the CND we identified the achievements and difficulties in relation to the drug problem. In the context of the various international forums on this area, Peru believes that counter-narcotics policies must be …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by Thailand
Importance of the UNGASS as a milestone towards our goals and towards 2019. The world drug problem remains the common and shared responsibility of all of us. World drug problem poses a serious threat to health, safety, security, and sustainable development. Thailand hopes that the problem will be addressed in a balanced and comprehensive way. …