Supporting recovery from substance use disorders Presented by the USA to promote recovery from drug dependence. PP1: Debates on the use of “disease of the brain” to define “substance use disorders” Ecuador – We ask the USA to elaborate more on the first paragraph, which seems to imply that substance abuse is a disease of …
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Final statements on Panel discussion on UNGASS
I want to come back to the issue of alternative development, as well as the issue of women. We need to think of specialised regional centres on these issues. We can have researchers working on these issues to push ahead. What we have done with training falls far short of what we need. We have …
CND Plenary Day 2 – VNGOC statement
We have a long history in setting up partnerships with NGOs. In Beyond 2008, we partnered with hundreds of NGOs and delivered a strong statement. We should have a preparatory role at UNGASS. We look to work with CND for the 2016 UNGASS to create a process for a global process. It is an intergovernmental …
CND Plenary Day 2 – IDPC statement (on behalf of Release)
MIKE TRACE, RELEASE (ON BEHALF OF INTERNATIONAL DRUG POLICY CONSORTIUM) PANEL DEBATE ON UNGASS Ladies and Gentlemen. I speak here under the registration of Release, a UK based NGO, but also on behalf of the International Drug Policy Consortium, a global network of over 100 organisations that work together to promote a strong and progressive …
CND Plenary Day 2 – Statement by IOGT International
IOGT International We are a new platform of organisations. We have global network of 150 organisations. Drug abuse is related to a number of social and health factors. It is associated with an exacerbation of social programmes. The objective of drug policy is to prevent these harms. Drug prevention, community-based strategies promoting a drug-free environment …
Side event – COPOLAD: Evidence-Based Tools and Resources Available for CELAC and EU Countries
Gisela Spreitzhofer COPOLAD is a partnership between CELAC AND EU. 6.6 million Euros for 42 months from the EU. Hector Suarez Protocol for estimating drug-use related mortality by direct and indirect causes. Why is this indicator important? Because of the need to have reliable scientific evidence on the health impacts of harmful use of drugs, …