Two resolutions (L2 and L3) were considered. Final language agreed for only some paragraphs. Others bracketed and the Chair directed Member states to go to informals to finalize. What follows is a transcript of the debate between member states. Final language will be posted as soon as it is available. Committee of the Whole Dronabinol …
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Side event: Drug trafficking and use in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) 20 years of partnership
Mr. Wei Xiajun. Deputy secy. General. China National Narcotics commission. Improved legislation, rules and regulations. Improved mutual understanding on drug control politics. Approaching a common goal in subregional action plan. Nay Pyi Taw Declaration. Continuous commitment for the partnership. Reaffirms our unwavering determination and commitment to overcoming the drug problem. Many challenges. Opium cultivation in SE …
CND Plenary Day 1 – Other matters arising from the international drug control treaties
Ecuador Ecuador is attending the CND with a feeling of concern regarding existing drug policy. Time has come to look around the social phenomenon of drugs, use and control. We are setting up a new vision on social, cultural and historical visions. Based on our constitution, drug use is a public health problem and users …
CND Plenary Day 1 – replies on access to essential medicines
China Treaty aims to allow access and limit abuse. All drugs must have a license to be exported or imported. International verification is used to prevent diversion. Switzerland According to the INCB there is sufficient supply of opioid material. Access to these substances is limited. Most of the world’s population lacks access for medical use. …
CND Plenary Day 1 – Item D: Allowing the availability of controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes
Raymond Yans, INCB. Ensuring the availability of controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes has always been a major goal of the treaties. IN 2010, the INCB issued a special report on the issue to provide a global overview of consumption and availability and impediments and recommendations to improve availability. Since then, the international community …
CND Plenary Day 1 – Replies to INCB report
European Union There is a focus on demand reduction and emphasises the need for treatment. Welcome INCB’s work on NPS. Committed to bilateral and regional cooperation. Including judicial cooperation, and drug monitoring agencies. Need full respect for human rights. Want to see human rights included into all the CND does. EU opposed to death penalty …