Chairperson: welcomes everyone to the 57th session of the CND. Agenda is divided into operational and normative segments. Explains the rules how how the rest of the week will work. Outlines the programme. Committee of the Whole is where draft resolutions will be debated. There are 12 Can only work within times and cannot go …
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Side event – Ensuring proportionality of sentences for drugs offences around the world
Gloria Lai, IDPC Proportionality is a key principle of international law. It can be found in various international and regional treaties, as well as constitutions at national level. The requirement is that individuals’ rights and freedoms are only restricted to achieve a legitimate aim. When interpreting this principle, the human rights committee has explained what …
High Level Segment – Government of Poland Statement
Statement by Mr. Piotr Jabłoński Director of the National Bureau for Drug Prevention, on the occasion of the High-Level Segment of 57th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Vienna, 13-14 March 2014 Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, Poland subscribes fully to the statement presented earlier yesterday on behalf of the European Union, however, I …
High Level Segment – Adoption of the Joint Ministerial Statement
High level segment called to adopt the resolution E/CN.7/2014/L.15 and will then be submitted to ECOSOC meeting. The resolution was adopted without objection. Available here: Greek delegation. We command the chairman for his work. Take the floor for EU, Turkey, Montenegro, Bosnia, Lies, Moldova, Switzerland, Chile, Monaco, Mexico, Uruguay, Panama, Argentina, Colombia, Namibia, etc. Regret that …
Roundtable on countering money laundering report
Thank all those who participated. Speakers expressed concerns about scale of illicit financial flows from drug trafficking. Proceeds to banking system and informal and formal transfer systems. Highlighted disruption of financial flows is a major component in disrupting transnational organized crime. FATF recommendations useful in combating illicit financial flows. Anti-money laundering legal framework. Financial intelligence …
Supply Reduction Roundtable Report
Participants expressed concerns about increased poppy production in Afghanistan. Concern about lack of knowledge about drug users. Concern about trafficking and need for better information sharing. Spoke about effective control of precursors, esp in relation to synthetics and NPS. Referred to cocern about increase in methamphetamine and increase in NPS use. Tighter controls to intercept …