This statement is given on behalf of the International Network of People who Use Drugs and is given in endorsement of the Support Don’t Punish campaign.Thirty years into the HIV epidemic we note that one in three new HIV infections outside of sub-Saharan Africa can be traced back to the use of contaminated needles by …
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Statement by UNAIDS
HIV through IDU is one of the main unresolved challenges of the international community and the lack of access to services is a key challenge we must address. The UNAIDS global report contains some very sobering statistics. Of the 16 million IDU – 3 million have HIV. With our target now being only 3 years …
Resolution L8 (continued)
Two items outstanding in OP3. Venezuela: A new part was agreed for the paragraph. Norway prefers to stick to the wording of the Political Declaration and makes some amendments on the text. OP 3a: Thailand, for a better understanding, wants to propose an addition focusing on “policies and programmes, with a focus on education, prevention, …
Resolution L4: Intensifying the efforts to achieve the targets of the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS among people who use drugs, in particular the target to reduce HIV transmission among PWUD by 50% by 2015
The full text of the resolution is available here. Preliminary paragraphs accepted without comments from delegations. All OPs accepted without comments from delegations. Financial implications: OP 2, 3, 4, 7, 9. 1.8 million for capacity building workshops of CSOs addressing the needs of civil society partners. Additional funding for support of CSO work, roll out …
Resolution L2 – Enhancing international cooperation in the identification and reporting of new psychoactive substances
Read the full text of the resolution here. A new draft of the resolution was introduced in the CoW, with a few modifications. No new modifications were brought to OPs 1 to 8. Russian Federation supports the resolution. Financial implications of the resolutions: With regard to operative paragraph 4 and 7, the global start programme …
HRC side event – Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD project)
Ian Goodhew: Deputy chief of staff – kings county prosecuting attorney’s office Innovative project made up of a number of organisations including the Seattle Police department, the prosecutors office, the defender association (public defence agency), ACLU, department of corrections, sheriff’s office. LEAD gives police on the street a choice when arresting low level offenders about diverting them into treatment. It …