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From Committee of the Whole

Resolution L.4 (Afternoon Session): Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy for building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic

PP1 Peru: We have had 3 informal consults about this resolution. We have revised the proposed text which has allow us to move forward and achieve consensus among states. First part of text is the title. Delegations have expressed interest in this as final part of negotiations. Chair: Title will be discussed at the end. There …

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Committee of the Whole (Thursday afternoon) L4. Promoting awareness-raising, education and training as part of a comprehensive approach to ensuring access to and the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes and improving their rational use

Chair: We still have two small issues. Belgium: After the informals where we discussed in length PP9 and OP2 we think that both paras seem to come as a package deal. So for OP2 we stay with “all existing barriers, [including those related to legislation, regulatory systems, health care systems, affordability, the training of healthcare …

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Committe of the Whole (Thursday afternoon) L5. Promoting the involvement of youth in drug prevention efforts

Chair: I see the title is agreed on informals. I see no objections therefore agreed CoW. We proceed with PP “Recalling the UN Youth Strategy 2030..” Russia: We propose deletion of “will guide” and replace with ”informs the efforts of… including UNODC” and add “efforts”. Chair: I see no objection therefore agreed CoW. We proceed …

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Committee of the Whole (Thursday afternoon) L2. Intensifying efforts to combat the world drug problem through effective partnerships with the private sector

-L2- Chair: I hear OP1 was agreed at the informals. I see there are no more comments, so agreed CoW. OP2 also agreed CoW. OP3bis already agreed at informals. No more comments, therefore agreed CoW. OP11 also agreed at informals. No more comments, therefore agreed CoW. OP13 agreed at informals, therefore agreed CoW. PP6bis also …

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Committee of the Whole (Thursday Morning) Resolution L2: Intensifying efforts to combat the world drug problem through effective partnerships with the private sector

Chair: I see the titled has changed but agreed at the informals. Title agreed CoW. We proceed with text. PP1 bis alt is also agreed in informals, so agreed CoW. PP6 alt agreed in informals, so agreed CoW. PP6 alt bis is this additional to PP6 alt? PP6 bis I see text in the brackets. …

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