Chair: I hand over to Russia to present the text: Russia: Russia introduces this draft resolution during consultation on 11th of March, we hope this adoption will help contribute to the addressing the world drug program. (sic). A number of delegations, including China, Singapore, and Turkey, introduced into the heading the word “illicit”, and “precursors”, …
From Committee of the Whole
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L2. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, including measures to protect the environment
Chair. This is co-sponsored by Germany, Peru and Thailand. There is a revised text based on the informal consultations. We will start with the title and then focus on the preambular and operative paragraphs. I now open the floor to the delegation of Thailand to provide the introduction. Title Thailand. The title has been proposed …
Resolution L3 – Ensuring access to drug treatment, education, aftercare, rehabilitation and social reintegration services for marginalized populations(cont.)
Chair: I would like to start with a personal remark. I had some requests of delegations, and distinguished colleagues from Australia, France, and Turkey… I would like to explain that here, it’s not too easy to work through mutual rule, as it is for you. Regarding time zones – it’s the life is for everybody: …
Resolution L3 – Ensuring access to drug treatment, education, after-care, rehabilitation, and social reintegration services, for people within marginalized populations (cont.)
Chair: Welcome back to the Committee of the Whole. I hope you all had a good night and everybody is ready, in good spirits, and in constructive spirits. Last night, resolution six by Nigeria was agreed in the committee and submitted to the Plenary. As soon as the English version is available, it will be posted on …
Resolution L.5 (Night Session) : Promoting quality, affordable, scientific evidence-based and comprehensive drug prevention and treatment services
Portugal: We were able to agree on many issues in informals. PP11 Chair: Agreed. OP1 Chair: Agreed. OP3 Chair: Agreed. OP3bis Portugal: There is new text as agreed with Argentina. Chair: Agreed. OP6 Chair: Agreed. OP9 Chair: Agreed. OP11 Chair: Agreed. Portugal: That is the whole resolution. Australia: In OP7 and OP8, there were some issues with clarity. We have small edits …
Resolution L.3 (Night Session): Ensuring access to drug treatment, education, after-care, rehabilitation, and social reintegration services, for people within marginalized populations
OP4 Canada: There are many paragraphs that will not receive consensus, so we suggest to trim down the resolution. France wishes to change its position on OP4. France: On this paragraph, we can go along with Canada’s proposal for the sake of showing flexibility. PP8 Canada: There were objections on reporting to the Control Board. Russia: We suggest …