Multiyear Workplan 2019-2023: Implementation of all our international drug policy commitments, following up to the 2019 ministerial declaration “Strengthening Our Actions at the National, Regional and International Levels to Accelerate the Implementation of our Joint Commitments to Address and Counter the World Drug Problem” Chair: Good Morning (reminder of guidelines) UNODC Research and Analysis Branch, …
From Others
Special commemorative event at the occasion of the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and Launch of the 2022 World Drug Report
Chair: Welcome. Today, to promote participation, we are conducting this meeting in a hybrid format. I welcome all our panelists, youth ambassadors, and the 26 registered speakers. WDR is historically launched on World Drug Day which is a very important day for us all to advance SDGs and build back better. The theme this year …
Side Event: Open Wound: Extrajudicial Drug War Killings in 2022
Organized by the DRCNet Foundation with the support of the Asian Human Rights Commission, the Associazione Luca Coscioni and the Forum Droghe Opening remarks Marco Perduca (Associazone Luca Coscioni & former Senator, Italy): This is a panel that follows up similar events that the DRCNet has been organizing for the last six years to try and …
Committee of the Whole L4 Strengthening international cooperation to comprehensively address the links between illicit drug trafficking and illicit firearms trafficking
Chair: Straight to PP9 please. It seems to be acceptable to delete PP9? US: We appreciate efforts to find compromise, but we do not share the view that the UNTOC, UNCAC are inappropriate in this forum – we want this clearly understood. Chair: Ok, PP9 deleted. PP11? The change will be to delete “programs”, and …
Committee of the Whole L5 Promoting comprehensive and scientific evidence-based early prevention
Chair: We still have a lot of work to do – I hope you’ve had a decent rest and that we can make some progress. Slovenia: Para on gender in OP5 & OP9. Alternative para by Egypt – we are close to consensus. Apparently OP9 is too general. We propose delete end of OP5, keep …
Side Event: Won’t Somebody Think of the Children? Youth Welfare in Drug Policy
Title: Won’t Somebody Think of the Children? Youth Welfare in Drug Policy Organizer: Students for Sensible Drug Policy Co-sponsors: Youth Rise Summary: While the welfare of young people is a key aspect of drug policy efforts, the ability of youth to have direct input in decision-making has been limited. In this side event, young people across …