Chee Wen Eng (Moderator): Welcome. Thank you to the co-sponsors: ASEAN SOGIE Caucus, the Forging Intersectional Feminist Futures Consortium, International Womens Rights Action Watch, Women and Harm Reduction International Network, SPINN (Indonesia), IDUCare (Philippines), Health Opportunity Network (Thailand), International Indigenous Drug Policy Alliance, New Zealand Drug Foundation and the International Drug Policy Consortium. Rosma Karlina, …
From Plenary Sessions
Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Monday afternoon)
(c) International Narcotics Control Board Colombia: (TBA) Pakistan: Pakistan acknowledges and appreciates the effective role and efforts of the INCB in the collection of data, in-depth analysis, and compilation of the comprehensive report. We believe that the INCB report for 2023 will provide assistance to member states in aligning their national priorities and responses to …
Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Monday morning)
Item 5b UNODC, Drugs, Laboratory and Scientific Services Branch (DLSSB): Thank you, Mr. Chair. distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, as you’re well aware that new psychoactive substances are not under international control, but they produce the same harmful effects as the ones we have under control. In just over a decade, the number of these …
Item 4. Strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions
UNODC: Thank you Mr. Chair. Notable progress has been made. We have taken robust institutional steps. Programs have been consolidated to improve efficiency. New frameworks have been developed such as a new regional framework for the Arab states to guide the office in better supporting the member states. Program delivery reached $383.9 million, an increase …
Side event: The new regulatory models of psychoactive substances in the grey zone – A new challenge or an opportunity?
Organized by Czechia with the support of Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Switzerland, the United States, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Transnational Institute Jindrich Voboril – Czech Republic: Why is Czechia organising this event? The Czech Republic is a country with only 10,000,000 people in Central Europe, in the centre of the European Union. We …
Item 3. High-level segment (Friday evening)
India: India acknowledges the challenges and affirms its commitment to fight the global drug menace. Our diversity and federal structure recognises that drug control requires a multi-agency coordination. India has a strong commitment to the guiding principles of the three drug control conventions, the ECOSOC and the General Assembly. We maintain a zero tolerance policy …