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From Plenary Sessions

Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (2nd plenary meeting)

The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here.  Chair: We will resume the agenda. India: This is an Historic special session. We are meeting after 2009 political declaration, just months after we adopted SDPs. The Drug problem impacts our ability to achieve this agenda. The three conventions have …

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General Assembly: Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (Opening segment)

The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here.  Mogens Lykketoft: Ladies and gentlemen, I think for the election as President of this special session. Let me express my condolences to the delegations of Ecuador and Japan whose countries have been hit by deadly earthquakes. It is an honour …

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Closing Statement

Closing Statement Commission on Narcotic Drugs Thank you for the great work and efforts of all the delegations and the spirit of compromise to achieve the agreed text. Thank you to the President of the Commission, the President and members of the Preparatory Meeting and the Secretariat. Mr. President, While the outcome document approved is …

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Plenary: 11th Meeting – Item 7, 10, 12

Chair: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Kindly be seated. I now declare the meeting open. We will resume our consideration of item 7.  Let me recall we considered the draft resolution: the Adu Dhabi declaration. Informals have been held yesterday. The outcome has been submitted. Item 7: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations …

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Agenda Item 8: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 68/1

Documents to be considered: – E/CN.7/2016/CRP.1 – E/CN.15/2016/CRP.1 Chair: Theme is implementing the post 2015 development agenda, and moving from commitments to results. CND might wish to identify the SDGs that are closest related and relevant to its mandate. Might want to change the standing agenda items to make an explicit reference to the SDGs. …

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Agenda Item 7: World situation with regard to drug trafficking and recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission

Chair: The 10th meeting is now open. Consideration of Item of 7 – Drug Trafficking. Documents to be considered: E/CN.7/2016/5 E/CN.7/2016/10 The UNODC will now present a report on global illicit drug prevalence  You can read the report here. UNODC: My introduction adds to the report shared with you by the chair, with some additions. …

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