IOGT International We are a new platform of organisations. We have global network of 150 organisations. Drug abuse is related to a number of social and health factors. It is associated with an exacerbation of social programmes. The objective of drug policy is to prevent these harms. Drug prevention, community-based strategies promoting a drug-free environment …
From Plenary Sessions
CND Plenary Day 2 – Panel discussion on scheduling (continued)
China In 2001 China scheduled for mephedrone as a schedule one. Ketamine is a category 1 substance and is strongly controlled. In 2009 5 tonnes a year have been seized. This has almost doubled. Third most intercepted drug after heroin and methamphetamine. Other countries are reporting ketamine abuse. Some countries have scheduled, but not at …
CND Plenary Day 2 – Panel discussion on scheduling
UNODC Chief lab of scientific section: Number of NPS has risen from 166 to 251 (mid 2012) and 350 (2013). That outnumbers the number of psychoactive substances controlled in the conventions. By Feb this year it had increased to 372. All regions had reported emergence. A new committee was promoting international cooperation and responding to …
CND Plenary Day 1 – Other matters arising from the international drug control treaties
Ecuador Ecuador is attending the CND with a feeling of concern regarding existing drug policy. Time has come to look around the social phenomenon of drugs, use and control. We are setting up a new vision on social, cultural and historical visions. Based on our constitution, drug use is a public health problem and users …
CND Plenary Day 1 – replies on access to essential medicines
China Treaty aims to allow access and limit abuse. All drugs must have a license to be exported or imported. International verification is used to prevent diversion. Switzerland According to the INCB there is sufficient supply of opioid material. Access to these substances is limited. Most of the world’s population lacks access for medical use. …
CND Plenary Day 1 – Item D: Allowing the availability of controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes
Raymond Yans, INCB. Ensuring the availability of controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes has always been a major goal of the treaties. IN 2010, the INCB issued a special report on the issue to provide a global overview of consumption and availability and impediments and recommendations to improve availability. Since then, the international community …